Chapter 7, Year 1

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August 25th, 1991
To Me,

It was 4:30, I was tossing and turning. I didn't sleep one bit. Once that dream happened I awakened. I could hold it in any longer, I had to wake Daphne.

I got up and crawled over to her bed. Softly I tapped her and quietly said her name, "Daphne... wake up". She rolled over and groaned. "Mhm what is it?" She said barely awake.

I told her I had a weird dream. That woke her up. She was super into dreams, and predicting futures, and why you dream of things.

So I told her everything. I started off with become quidditch captain."Is that all Lilith? Is that what you wo-" I cut her off. "No. Not at all." "I had a dream last night that I was playing in the quidditch World Cup! She looked at me her jaw dropped, "that's marvelous!" She said. "I know, it's just it was nice actually. "I was rushing through the wind on my broomstick, and I caught the golden snitch. It was amazing!"

I sat there in silence, Daphne staring off into space, obviously thinking about something. She all of a sudden stood up. She scrambled over to her trunk, opening it and dumping out its contents. She pulled out a book. It was titled Why You Dreamed. She started talking, "Page 57, page 57!... Aha! Yes perfect." she began reading aloud. For a second I thought it was a muggle book, but soon I realized that it wasn't based off of the books contents.

"Your dreams oftentimes will be your deepest desire. If you dream about yourself in the future, your future could lay out that way. If you have a dream with a friend, ask them if they had a similar dream. Frequently, having the same dream as someone means you have a spiritual connection, and you both desire the same thing. If you both dream of a future in which you are in together, there is a strong chance that'll be your path.".

I took a moment to think about what she read about to dig deep in my thoughts Daphne burst out. At this point, she was wide awake. "Go tell Draco!" Daphne said. "Come on now, it's spectacular." I nodded my head in a agreement, I would tell him.

"Okay well anyways, Lilith, we have to get you looking extra spiffy." She sat me down at my desk. She grabbed my brown hair pulling it behind my back. She then plugged in her curling iron. She then began curling my hair.

She was almost finished curling my hair, when I decided it was a little plain. "You know, although this is nice, should I try something extra special?" She nodded in agreement. She grabbed a thick black ribbon. She took two large strands of hair from behind my head, and tied them together with the ribbon, making a bow just below the crown of my head. I looked at it in the mirror. I looked marvelous!

I thanked her then got changed. I wore my usual attire, a turtle neck and skirt. But to spice it up, I wore a cream colored turtleneck, and a brown corduroy pencil skirt. I then put on some black muggle shoes my cousin got me. They're called Doc Martins. She doesn't know she's adopted- and she doesn't know about wizards, I don't think I should tell her. I slipped them on, they looked quite nice. I put in some pearl earrings and slipped on my friendship promise bracelet that Daphne, Draco, and I had.

I sat in the common room waiting for Draco, with Daph. Around five minutes later he came out. Since it wasn't nearly time for classes, we didn't wear our robes. We got closed to the great hall, when I signaled to Daphne to leave us be for a second. Although the dream was interesting, at the time I thought it was funny. We were only children and I was less mature than Daphne. So I sorta just blurted it all out laughing.

"So Draco, question." "What is it?" He said. "I dreamt last higher I played in the quidditch World Cup!"

"What? You had that too?" He laughed. I began giggling along with him. "Daphne thinks it's my future." I said. He smirked "Mhm, we all know I'm better than you." We both couldn't control our laughter anymore. We finally calmed down and join Daphne in the great hall.

Lilith Sage Amoor

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