Chapter 2, Year 3

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September 11th, 1993

The school year so far has been great, I've gotten high marks and so did my brother.

We recently had quidditch tryouts, he made the team, he's a beater. This year I'm a Keeper, because Draco made the team as a Seeker. Which is fine, but it definitely has been boosting his ego lately, which is what leads to what happens next.

In care of magical creatures, Crabbe, Goyle, Draco, and the rest of his weird friends thought it was funny to go up to Harry and yell "Dementor! Dementor" in attempts to scare him. Harry turned around, tricked by Draco's cruel joke. He put his hood up and made "ooOoOooo" noises. I stared at him and mouthed to him, "Stop" he came over to me and got really low to my height. "Make me" he whispered in my ear grinning. It gave me the chills, I was flustered at that point and had forgotten what happened.

Professor Hagrid brought in a hippogriff. Harry tried petting it, and it liked him. We learned that you have to be really gentle with them because they are sensitive creatures, and will attack you if you startle them, or if they don't like you. Draco however thought he was joking, or something I'm not sure

But he decided to call it a "great ugly brute". Soon after that he walked up to it and terror replaced his expression, his grey eyes growing larger as his pupils shrunk and tackled by Buck beak. He then began dramatically shouting "Its killed me, it's killed me!".

Hagrid dismissed class, and carried Draco to the hospital wing shouting "My father will hear about this". Blaise and I walked off nearly unable to breath, he had used his iconic line.

September 18th, 1992
Hi there,

A week later we were eating breakfast in the great hall when a grouchy looking boy walked over to us. Blonde hair, grey eyes, tall. It was Draco, he was in a cast.

He began rambling, like always in his annoy dramatic attitude. "First my house elf is gone, now I can't use my arm? What else is going to happen?" We looked at him very confused.

He looked at us and then remembered he hadn't told us. "Oh yeah, Potter hid a sock in something my father gave to Dobby. So now Dobby is a free elf, I have to do my own laundry!" He groaned. I felt bad, Dobby was his only friend in the house growing up. He was an only child, and often his parents were too busy for him.

Theo fake swooned at Blaise and said, "How will I ever do my laundry" then Blaise said, "My father will hear about this!". Draco then gave them a deadly stare and said, The Ministry will order the bird be killed. I bet Potter won't be too happy about that one.

I really hope he's joking.

Later that day, I met Draco back in the common room with a quill. "Hey can I sign that" I said. A grin appeared on his face, then he said, "If you do my potions homework I'll let you" his eyes flicked up, little sparkles forming in them like a child on Christmas Day. So, I asked him, who are you going to Hogsmeade with? He laughed and asked why, I then said,"I don't know, I don't plan on going with anyone right now." I really hoped he'd invite me to go with him. He looked at me, laughed then said, "I'm going with Parkinson." I was shocked, "Parkinson but you hate her!" I shouted. Something was off.

He stormed out of the room, damn he looked hot when he did that. I walked upstairs a little hurt but I tried to brush it off. I took a shower and went off to bed.

I awoke to Daphne shaking me, "Get up Lili!" She yelled. I didn't want to get up, remembering I'd have to see Draco in class, and I didn't want to embarrass myself.

I rolled over then she said, "Should I get Draco to come convince you?" I looked at her in disgust and said "Fuck no!". She sat down on my bed and asked if I was all right.

I started telling her everything, from the time we were at my house, to Hogsmeade and how he laughed at me for going alone.

She gave me a hug and then said, "Don't listen to him, he's being a bitch. I bet Parkinson asked him so he felt bad and said yes." I looked up at her and gave her a weak smile, "I hate your cousin." I said. She rolled her eyes and said "She isn't that bad." I shook my head and she pulled me out of bed to get ready for the day.

That's a wrap,

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