Chapter 6, Year 2

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August 25th, 1993

I was bored out of my mind waiting on my bed, again just around a week after my birthday, like every year, I was eager to see my friends.

My brother won't stop rambling on and about going to Hogwarts, it's quite annoying. He was out getting supplies for school with Astoria, and Daphne went along with them. I didn't feel like going so I was reading a book called Oak Roads. It was super plain and I threw it across the room at my door. Draco was supposed to be here any minute.

I started into my candle flame, trying to manipulate the smoke with my mind. That was something I'm good at, at a young age I got angry and accidentally sent the smoke into a spiral. Since then I've been able to control it if I focus enough. I began speaking out load "Up... Up... more-" when my door was opened.

Ajax stepped in, "You're friends are here!" I walked down the stairs eager to see them. My jaw nearly dropped when I saw Draco. He looked different that was certain. His small little boy face was no longer there, and neither was his slicked back hair.

His white blonde hair was messily on top of his head, and deep cheekbones and a strong jawline was engraved into his pale skin. He had gotten much taller, and his shoulders broadened. He was gorgeous. I started at him for quite a bit then looked away when he turned around.

"Lili, Daphne! Come here!" he shouted. He pulled us into a tight embrace, we both missed him. I pulled away from him realizing I felt hot, my body sticky and my face flushed.

Daphne gave me the look then said, "Excuse me, may you excuse us? We will be right back." She rushed us upstairs and I flopped back onto my bed. I was in a daze, that was for sure. I had never liked anyone before, but Draco? Out of all people. Couldn't be possible.

She came out of my bathroom with a wet rag in her hands and placed it on my forehead. She gently put some perfume on my wrists and just below my neck. "That ought to freshen you up." She said. "Are you alright, you looked quite flushed down there, as if you were going to be ill." I laughed, "Really? I must've stood up to fast and gotten dizzy." I placed the wet rag into the laundry bin for Simon to get and we came back downstairs.

Click-Clack the sound of our heels hitting the staircase echoed throughout the house. I didn't get a chance to talk, because mother called us to supper.

Simon had prepared roast beef, salad, and some other assorted sides. I took a bite of a roll, it was stale. I didn't want him creating a scene so I smiled at him. "This meal is excellent" I remarked, hoping he couldn't tell I had lost my desire to eat.

Our parents chatted about the upcoming school year, I avoided eye contact with Draco. I really didn't want to embarrass myself. For the first time I became subconscious about how I looked.

Thoughts littered my mind such as, "Is my hair too frizzy?" Or, "Does this skirt make me look odd?". I didn't think of these things until now. I don't know why he made me feel this way, but I missed what it was like before I felt this about myself. We were excused from dinner, and I had the sleeping bags rolled out onto the floor, for I had known they were coming.

Draco began rambling, on and on about quidditch and how he was excited to go back to school. "How was your summer?" He asked us. "Good, but very boring without you." He laughed, "I don't think anything will compare to how boring my summer was. Father was making business deals all summer so I was stuck in some hotel room in England." that explained where he was. "That doesn't found very fun, does it now?" Daphne said laughing. "Yeah Daphne and I were partying on the roof-" we lost it and started giggling uncontrollably. "I'm sorry I missed your birthday" Draco said. "I got you this" he handed her a book called, Relive, Relearn. I had never heard of it before, weird.

We wished each other goodnight and I crawled into bed, and pulled out a piece of parchment. My family always told me I had a talent for writing, and I was determined to see if they were right.

It's much later now, and I'm finished. I'm not sure why I wrote this, it doesn't make sense but poems are best when they're confusing right?

Random Poetry
You'll lay down in bed
Wanting to be bold,
But doubts in your head
Litter your mind like a cold.

You'll have your script
By your side
But your incentives have slipped
Due to doubts in your mind.

You want to be there
A break from those you love
You look outside into the air
It's a bird but not a dove

An owl has shown
Your letter has been seen
It was time to go home
You closed your window screen

The creature gave you an intricate look
A smile it seemed
But it left you on a hook
Leaving just your grin to gleam

You lay back down in a star position
Although it was hard
You had a mission
There were negative thoughts to discard

Trying to imagine in your brain
An autumn wood
Or running down a lane
You wish you could
But in your minds rain
It's hard to remain although you should
Through all this pain

You try to remember as your head spins
Where you are going
And where you have been
Lightning dances crossing the sky
But it goes away
In the blink of an eye

No more flowing,
The rain starts slowing,
Your mind is going,
Light begins glowing,
Your eyes begin knowing,
And it is finally showing.

You made it to your dream vacation
Your mind is the only path
You pave the way to the location,
But only you can find your destination.

Future me will probably think that was terrible. Personally, I find it lovely.

Lilith S. Amoor

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