Chapter 8, Year 3

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December 18th, 1993


I sat by the fireplace in the common room, all alone, waiting for my friends to get back from Hogsmeade. It was a cold December evening, and I wasn't feeling up to the trip, so I decided to stay back. Daphne, Blaise, and Theo went, but I hadn't seen Malfoy go.

In fact, I haven't talked to Draco in months. Ever since our awkward conversation after the party, we haven't talked. I for one, am trying to distance myself from him. I thought I liked him, but it was just a small phase, I wasn't going to let myself get used by him once again, for once was enough and I know how he is, he doesn't care about anyone's feelings, to him women are disposable- and I wasn't going to let that happen to me.

So, naturally, I've taken a break from worrying about my relationship with him, and all of that social madness, and decided I would take time for myself. I've been working super hard in school to achieve Excellent marks, and I have done so. I'm also a much stronger Quidditch player than before. I had proved myself right, I didn't need him, and I was thriving without him.

But, it was the second to last day before the semester ended, and I was going to have a blast with my friends when we got back. So, I sat by the fire, on the couch waiting for my friends to return, whilst throwing bits of parchment in the fireplace. Suddenly one of the pieces I threw tumbled out of the fire, and caught the bottom of one of the leather sofas on fire. Quickly I ran over, trying to put it out with a piece of parchment, patting it down, but the flame grew.

I heard a voice come from down the hallway, "Crabbe, Goyle? Hello, Anyone here? Something is smoking?" I ducked down, as the boy came into the common room. He took out his wand, then shouted, "Aguamenti!" and the flame was extinguished.

He looked at me, it was none other than Draco Malfoy. He has stayed in on this trip, How odd. He didn't say much, all I could think was long time no see, but I didn't say that, instead I got out a very awkward, "Hello." he looked at me then said, "Oh, uh, hello?" I then replied, "Why didn't you go to Hogsmeade? Weren't your friends there?" he laughed, then admitted "Crabbe, Goyle, and I, we were messing with Weasel-Bee and Granger, and then something started throwing snow balls at us, and they pulled Crabbe's pants down, so we ran back here."

I looked at him and completely lost it and started laughing, unable to believe that they ran all the way back here because of Granger and Weasley. "Don't keep laughing Amoor, I'll put you in your place." Malfoy sneered, threatening me. I giggled, then said, "You, Draco Malfoy, put me in my place? I was without you for months, I don't need you." He rolled his eyes, then replied, "We'll see about that. I don't think you could last five minutes with me. Don't forget what you've said about me. How much you loved me and needed me." He testified. I pointed out, "I've gone over a month, I've seen you lurking around, always staring me down." I smirked, he was frustrated and then moved closer to me, making me back up into the wall. "You listen to me, don't cross me Amoor, you're nothing but a brat who thinks she can just say what she want to anyone she wants, you're a tease, kissing me and just forgetting about me." I was hurt, knowing I hurt him hurt me worse than I would've ever imagined. He looked upset but furious with me all at the same time.

As he said that, my friends came running in so he quickly ran back away to his room, making it look like I was talking to myself. "Who are you talking to Lili?" said Daphne confused, "Never mind that, did you get me any sweets?" I asked her, "No, sorry, I ran out of galleons." she laughed, then looked at Blaise. "She spent her Galleons picking out an outfit to wear for our-" she reached over and covered his mouth. "What he was trying to say, was we are going to dinner tonight, and wanted to know if you and Draco wanted to come?" Blaise looked at her than me, like she was in dance, knowing that Draco and I hadn't talked in a month.

I hesitated, Draco and I weren't on the best of terms. But, reluctantly, I agreed. "Go let Draco know, we'll get ready." said Daphne. I got to his door, then knocked slowly, fearful of his reaction. "Awe, couldn't last five minutes I told you." He said. "I'm sorry-" I started, but before I could finish he did the unthinkable.

Reaching down, he grabbed my head, and tilted it up. I stood on my tiptoes, unable to stop myself and letting him kiss me, his lips meeting mine harshly, like he had been waiting for this moment. He pulled away from my mouth still holding my face, then said, "So what do you need?" he asked me smiling. Still shaken up, I responded quietly. "Daphne needs us to go dinner with her." "Well that won't be necessary now will it, she can figure it on her own that we're not going, come inside" and that was the moment, I did what I told myself I'd never let him do, I let him in.


Lilith S.A.

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