Chapter 4, Year 2

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February 15th, 1993

Daphne and I got to the bathroom, we heard a yell and then a cry, we opened all the stall doors until we got to the last one, moaning myrtle. She was screaming and shouting that nobody wanted to talk to her.

She was quite annoying, but I didn't want to get on her bad side so I began talking to her while I attempted to get the surgery cream off my face. Daphne was trying to get it out of a piece of her hair, whoops!

She began talking about how students going missing, and how Nearly-Headless-Nick had been petrified too. We asked her if she knew anything about what was going on, and she gave us a devious smirk and said "No...". I was a little creeped out, I mean why would she act like that?

Daphne and I walked out of the restroom still laughing a bit from the breakfast scenario, and headed to our lockers. I got out my potions notes, hoping I'd have some time to study before the exam. Draco looked up at us, his hair slicked back like usual. "What are you two up to?" He said with a smirk. "Blaise and Theo said they called after you but you were running out of the Great Hall, whipped cream on your nose" he laughed.

I headed to potions and took a seat. We were making something with spider eyes, so I let Crabbe, my partner, try and figure it out. He was useless. Daphne kept giving me that side eyed look your best friend gives you when you both feel uncomfortable. I nodded my head and we started talking in our language.

My muggle cousin, Mollie taught us how to "ASL sign" so we were communicating that way. She has a hearing loss, so whenever I see her we communicate through signing, it's quite fun. Especially at Hogwarts where nobody really does that sort of thing.

I was bored sitting in class and then remembered the time Ronald got sent a howler in the great hall and burst out laughing. Before I could catch my breath, Snape walked over to me.

"Detention, Ms Amoor. There is no reason to be laughing, unless of course you'd like to show us all how to do this potion. Come to my classroom at 7."He looked me in the eye and walked away.

The rest of the day was fine I guess you could say, other than detention.

I got there and had to clean cauldrons, using no magic, which although I can do, was a little annoying. I finished cleaning and asked if I may be dismissed. He responded flat like always, "Yes, no more laughing on my watch Ms.Lilith."

He's so creepy. Good news is, the antidote is ready for those petrified!


May 28th, 1993

More and more students have been petrified, this time Granger. Poor Hermione, her friends must be worried sick about her. She was really great in classes, and Harry and Ron are idiots without her.

I've noticed that Luna and Ginny were hanging out a lot, but Ginny mysteriously disappeared? I had my final exams today so I had to focus but I just couldn't. Something was off, my bracelet was making my wrist tingle. I wasn't sure what was up but it was weird.

Class was dismissed and we were all called to the hallway. Another message was upon the walls, and all the professors were called. A girl was said to be missing, and Harry and Ron gave each other looks of horror. They knew something and I wasn't sure what. Lockhart showed up after everyone was nearly done and they explained the circumstances to him.

Then they began speaking about his books he had written and how he should be the one to enter the chamber and save her. I waited around a corner while Harry and Ron followed him into his classroom.

He began packing his things, Harry asked him a question. "Professor where are you going?" Ron then began, "You have to help me save my sister!". I was shocked, it was Ginny. I was worried sick. Although I didn't know her especially well, she was just a girl and didn't deserve this.

They continued on, he tried to do a spell to make them forget their memory. Before he could Harry pointed his wand at the Professor and shouted a spell. Lockhart forgot what was going on, and they followed him into a bathroom. I ran away, I had to tell Daphne what was going on.

Goodbye for now,
Lilith Sage

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