Chapter 6, Book 1

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August 24th, 1991
Hello Me,

I stood up following the rest of the students, and our professor Snape. He had a flat voice, low and deep and never an expression. He took us to our dorms and handed us over to our prefects. Our dorms were in the dungeons, weird.

Our prefects began explaining the rules, "Curfew is 8 P.M. Boys dormitories over here, Girls here. The staircases will not allow a person of the opposite gender of the dormitories up. They will knock you off. Private dormitories over here, I expect nobody sneaking into the private dormitories or I will be writing you a detention. Common room is open to all, your schedules are on your bed. Your trunks should be in your room."

Daphne turned to me, wow that's a lot to remember. I went up the stairs to the girls dormitories, separating from Draco. Daphne and I shared a dormitory. Our room had dark brown wooden nightstands, a bed with a green canopy, my favorite color emerald green. We had a vanity crafted a gorgeous dark wood, and a mirror. We also had a wardrobe, and a desk. Then in the bathroom we had two sinks, and a shower.

Daphne and I spent the next few hours decorating. She brought some green throw pillow, and a green rug. Then she got some twinkle lights to hang and vines. She brought my books up placing them on our nightstand, and I pulled out my classic alarm clock and set it for 5:00. We unpacked our makeup and picked out our clothing for the next day- we needed green and black clothing to go under our robes. I pulled out a black plaid skirt, paired with my emerald earrings and rings. I got out a black sweater, and some black boots. I then pulled out my makeup for the next day, and all my perfumes and shampoos. We finished putting everything away at 9:00. We looked over our schedule, eager to see what classes we had together.

Lilith Amoor



BREAKFAST:6:30-8:30 A.M.
HS|C.M.C.: 9:00-9:55A.M.
SG|DIVINATION:10:00-10:55 A.M.

So it turns out, to my surprise, all first years of the same house have the same schedule. Except for quidditch, that's optional. I was excited, I was going to be able to be with my friends! Not only that, I was going to be with my friends of other classes too.

Daphne and I rushed over to Draco's private dormitory. We practically knocked down the door, he was putting his stuff away when we came in. "

"Bloody Hell, what was that for?" he spoke. "We're all in the same classes!" she chirped. "Oh, spectacular! Father says I should do quidditch, are you going to try out?"

"Of course, you know how much I love quidditch." Daphne shook her head. "I'm not going to play, I'm going to be cheering you on from the stands". Sounds like a good plan to me I thought.

All three of us walked down to the common room. Theo and Blaise sat there. We all discussed our schedules, and who we were staying with in our dorms.

Our chatter was interpreted by an angry Pansy. She stormed up the stairs- except it was accidentally the guys dormitories. So she fell to the bottom. Theo started laughing, very loudly. I smacked him hard in the shoulder to get him to stop.

Daphne finally spoke up, "Pansy, what's wrong?". "Just nothing, I had to serve a detention." Draco chimed in, "You sleeping around on the first day?" he began to smirk. She began dramatically storming up the stairs. "I guess that's a yes" Blaise said. We all began dying of laughter. It began getting late so I went up to my dorm.

I took a quick shower, it felt nice. After that long day I needed a break. Daphne helped me dry my hair, then we brushed our teeth.

"Hey Lilith, we should do some skincare!" Daphne said. I know how much she loves freshening up, so I agreed. I let her give me a face mask, and she painted my nails. She insisted on doing white, I wanting black. We finally settled on a forest green. It looked gorgeous with my rings. I put my hair up in a lose bun, crawling into bed. I pulled out the book my mother got me on my birthday and began to read. I soon dozed off. It was a long day.

I had a dream, an abnormal dream, It was in the future it seemed real, like I was seeing the future. Anything can be possible in the magical world...

You'll have to see what's yet to come,
Lilith Amoor

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