Chapter 10, year 1

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December 24th, 1991
To me,

It was like that the rest of the year. Go to some very boring classes, go to quidditch, and have dinner making sure we messed around. We switched Snape's shampoo to hair dye. That was the best thing we did. Purple is his color, one of the Half-Blood students let us borrow his camera. I'd never seen such things, the quality was quite- interesting. And the image didn't move, but we got the moment.

Doesn't he look just lovely? I think so- Snape didn't

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Doesn't he look just lovely? I think so- Snape didn't. I didn't get detention, but Theo did. He got caught, the purple had stained his hands.

We had a great year for quidditch! Daphne and Draco came to all my games, I made them promise not to curse Potter- that would lose us some house points. We had won every game except one against Gryffindor- Potter had a better broom than I did, so he was able to manipulate it easier and catch the snitch, in his mouth. A little odd I would say.

I sat quietly thinking about all the fun we had. I was in Herbology , the last class class before winter break. Pretty snowflakes fluttered down from the sky. I was so excited to catch up with my family, I missed Jax even if he was a pain to deal with. I had been writing to him, although his owl would often get lost and accidentally deliver it to the wrong student. He was fun to write too. Apparently my father had taught him quidditch, he said he's good. I'll have to test him on that.

Finally professor Sprout dismissed class. She wished us goodbye with a cheery smile, I did the same. "Have a great holiday professor!" I said. "Thank you, Ms. Amoor!" I waved her goodbye.

I caught up with Harry, he was staying back for the holidays, he didn't want to go home with the Dursley's. I felt quite badly, so I made him a card. He thanked me.

Finally I made it back, I had packed my trunk the night before. I gave Neville, and Luna a hug goodbye, and waved goodbye to Granger. I then walked out of the school, Draco was holding my trunk for me. "Blimey, what's in here that's so heavy?" He said. Daphne said, "Probably 30 pounds of clothes."

We got to the train, I stuck out my tone catching a snowflake, Hagrid waved his wand making the snowflakes swirl around me, I giggled. Draco set my trunk down, grabbing a bundle of the icey snow with his hands. "Think fast!" He shouted, the snowball hit me in the face, it was cold and wet. "Oh you're going to get it-" a Prefect cut me off. "You better calm yourself or you'll be catching a detention Miss Amoor, and Mister Malfoy." He said glaring at us.

I jabbed Draco in the shoulder then got on the train, walking along to find Theo and Blaise. "Hello!" Cheered Theo. "Someones a little excited?" Said Pansy rolling her eyes. Draco stormed past me.

"I'm fed up with you ruining everything Pansy. Can you go a minute without making an annoy, stupid, nonsense comment?" He said. He then shoved her out closing the cart door. She huffed away to go sit elsewhere.

"How did you do it?" Said Blaise. "Do what?" said Draco confused. Daphne said, "You know shoo her away?". He looked at Daphne confused, "I'm used to doing it, it really was nothing." Then he sat down.

Blaise started talking, "What's up with Crabbe and Goyle acting like they're your henchmen?" I agreed, "Yeah they're always with you." Draco said they were just in case, I thought that was funny. We bought some sweets and the train came to a stop. It was gonna be so exciting seeing our family.

I sprinted off the train to go hug Jax, Mother, and Father. "Oh how I had missed you!" Said my mother a little teary eyed." I made sure to write to her, I knew she'd need it. Jax looked at me, he had colored in a card for me, it was quite cute.

I thanked him, then began talking on our car ride home, "I heard you learned quidditch."
"Yep father taught me!"
"That's wonderful."
"How have you been"
"Quite...Lonely. I missed you a lot Lil."
"I missed you too."

The car stopped and we exited at our house. I unpacked my belongings and then went off to bed.

December 25th, 1991
Dearest Me,

I yawned and woke up, it was Christmas- I had nearly forgotten! I rolled out of bed and got ready. I took a nice quick shower and through on my usual, turtleneck and skirt, though this time in red and white for Christmas.

I rushed downstairs to greet Daphne and her family, along with Draco and his. We sat down by our tree, it was a lush green, it looked lovely. We opened our gifts. We had decided to do secret Santa this year.

Astoria got some white boots, I think Daphne had her. Draco got a ring from me, it had a snake on it and engraved in it said Malfoy. He grinned looking over at me, he knew I had gave it to him. Daphne got a sparkling green dress, Jax got a train set, and I got an emerald ring. I was a little confused- only the children did secret Santa. How would anyone know about my earrings, they matched perfectly. Draco winked at me, I was shocked. He knew.

We went outside to play in the snow while our house Elves prepared our dinner. I got bored and began throwing snow balls at the side of the house. Thud. Thud. Thud. Jax ran over and slapped my hand hard. "Stop it! That sound is so annoying" he yelled. "Yeah kinda like you!" I sneered.

Our parents came back out, telling us it was time for Dinner. I ate and went to bed, tomorrow we were off to Hogwarts.

Goodbye for now,
Amoor, Lilith

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