Chapter 1, Year 2

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August 25th 1992,
Hello Future Me,

This summer was awesome, except I got taller. I know what you're thinking-what's so bad about an inch or two? Well for starters, I'm 5'4. Not to mention, 12 years of age, may not seem like a lot but when your friends are rocking their 4'11 heights and smaller-than-ten shoe size, you feel awkward. They all have small feet and hands, child like builds, and I idolize it. Mother says I should be proud of entering womanhood, I certainly am not to say the least.

I really hate sticking out like a sore thumb but, nothing I can do I guess? Anyways, we had a blast swimming in the pool at Daphne's, sleeping over at the Malfoy's, and having our traditional muggle bonfire at mine. Every year my muggle cousins come to do muggle things with them, all of my friends and I have a blast, although using magic to do things is tempting to do.

At the station I hugged Astoria goodbye, she looked a little less starved than before. I made sure to make her eat this summer. I got a few pleads to stay from my brother, but soon enough I was off. Chatter erupted on the train ride, as everyone caught up to their friends. Right now it's actually very dark, meaning we're close to the school.

Draco looked up at me, taken away from his concentration. "Checkmate!" He shouted. I let out a loud groan, irritating Blaise. He had fallen asleep, his cheek pressed against the window leaving a mark in the condensation from the morning dew. "Will you guys stop shouting?" he said his voice tired and low. We kept him up late last night, I guess he was tired. I flipped the magical chessboard, out of pure frustration from this game. Draco managed to win every time. He let out a laugh and faced the window admiring the outside trees blurring by.

He was 13, I was only just 12. I wish I had an earlier birthday. I continued to observe him. His hair was slicked back just like the year before, but maybe a little less hair gel. His face had gotten sharper, he most definitely got taller, and he looked far much older. But you can't really see it unless you're looking at him. My brown owl let out a series of loud Hoos indicating we mustn't be far from the school. Expectingly, she was correct. Like before, the familiar whistle blew and we got off the train.

Ronald met up with me on the way there. "Lilith, Lilith, Lilith Sage!" He shouted. I turned around and asked him what it was. He looked at me then moved slightly. A small girl with ginger hair, same fiery color as the rest of her family peered out from behind him. She had glossy eyes, fluttering eyelashes, and freckles that danced across her nose. The tip of her nose just slightly upturned, and was a warm pink. She was beautiful.

This is my sister, Ginny. Ron said, snapping me out of my daydream. I bent down a little and stuck out my hand, "I'm Lilith, Lilith Sage Amoor. But you can call me Lili for short" she grasped my hand and shook it back a small smile appeared on her lips. "Best of luck in the sorting!" I said and danced off to meet with the other slytherins. I sat down at the table, and Dumbledore gave his usual speech, followed by the choir.

Then many, many, students got sorted. I was about to doze off, until I heard the name Weasley and shot up. I had to sit up a bit to see her, she was very small and especially in a crowd like this. She plopped into the sorting hat chair crossing her fingers, I was assuming for Gryffindor. The hat shouted out Gryffindor, and cheers from Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Fred and George erupted. I smiled and clapped for her too.

We feasted and feasted, then went up to our common rooms to get settled. I had just stepped off the moving staircase when suddenly it froze midair. I heard a shriek and Pansy Parkinson had fallen down off the stairs. Snape ran to go get Madame Pomfrey. I was fiddling with the bracelet Luna gave me, waiting for the password to be given to us when I noticed the first bracelet stone glowing. I didn't think much of it for a while, I kept getting distracted. I'd start unpacking my trunk and forget, then it was classes, and then quidditch.

Finally in the hallway I caught Luna. It was September 21st, I had forgotten for quite a while. I ran up to her, it was the end of the day so I reckoned she'd be free. I yelled to her to wait up. She turned around and looked at me. "Hello Lilith" she said, her usual dreamy eyes looking at me. "My bracelet it's glowing, the Peridot stone, isn't that odd?" I asked her. She smiled at me then said, "Your bracelet is glowing because it's saved you from something. It has three gemstones, to represent the three times it may save you.".

I thanked her and ran off, trying to remember what I had been saved from. I sat in front of the fireplace, ripping up pieces of parchment then tossing them in the fire. I heard a pair of crutches and a girl with a bad attitude come up behind me. "What are you doing" the girl sneered. "I dunno?" I said. I turned around to see who it was, realizing it was none other than Pansy Parkinson. I looked at her and let out a snort realizing the bracelet had saved me from falling like she had.

That was the highlight of my day,
Lilith A.

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