Chapter 3, Year 1

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August 24th, 1991

Dear Future Lilith,

We had just finished eating and were slipping on our coats. Although it was only the start of September, it was already quite cold here. Astoria, Daphne's little sister came up to me, "Hello!" I cheered. "Hi Lilith, can you tie my shoes? Daphne won't do it for me" "Sure thing" I crouched down onto ground tying her black lace ups. "I like your boots!" "Thanks I got them in Italy for my birthday."

Astoria was nine. Although she was nine, she was quite small for her age. Her pasty skin made her look quite ill, and her dark hair always looked thin. Unhealthily thin. I never brought it up to Daphne, because I didn't want to worry her, but I think Astoria had the blood curse. Long ago, one of their ancestors was stricken with a curse, which would be passed down their family as a blood malediction.  I think it is resurfacing in poor Astoria.

I must've spaced out because I had accidentally tied Astoria's shoelaces in a knot, and she was waving her hand in front of my face. "Lilithhhh, Lilith!!!! Snap out of it" my face flushed a deep scarlet red. "Sorry I must've been daydreaming." Embarrassed, I attempted to fix the tangled mess I had left. I had to ask Draco to help, although he gave me a glare when I asked. "Can't tie a shoe now Lilith can you?" He joked.

Daphne came running into the room. "Has anyone seen my potions book?" She shouted. We began searching frantically, we had to leave soon. We were about to give up, when Lucius came behind her. His body gave off a negative, cold energy. We could feel his presence. In a deep breathy voice he pulled out his wand and spoke "Accio Potions textbooks." and with a small flick of his wand, he had the book. He dropped the textbook in front of Daphne with a large thud. "Thank you sir-" before she could finish he walked away.

I turned around to Draco whispering in his ear, "What's up with him today?" he whispered back "Ahh nothing but the usual, he's always in a mood."

Our parents stepped into the foyer, along with Astoria and my brother, Ajax. Ajax Amoor (AEy-Jacks), tongue twister, isn't it? Formally, he uses Ajax, but my family calls him Jax. Jax is Astoria's age, and he's always up to no good. Him and Astoria mess around taking our stuff, pulling pranks on us. Not very "Purebloods Proper" as my father would say, of him.

Everyone have their trunks? asked Narcissa. "Yes!" we spoke in unison. "Well if that's the case, grab my hand!" we all held hands, I gripped Narcissa's especially tight. I didn't like apparating, and I was afraid of getting splinched. I counted down in whispers "...3...2...1" and before I could say one we were off, at the station.

We were 10 minutes early, so we had enough time to find the platform. "9 3/4, now where would that be?" I thought aloud. Jax came up behind me and smacked me on the head "Right in front of you, dingus" he sneered. I grabbed the handle on my trolley and put its wheels down. I quickly ran as fast as I could, into the wall. I felt like my face dissolved for a hot second, and then I was there. This was it. This is what I've waited my whole life for.

Before I could finish admiring the moment and it's beauty, Astoria and Jax burst through, accidentally running into me. I got back up brushing my skirt off. Soon followed Draco and Daphne, and our parents.

All of us were giving our parents hugs wishing them goodbye, at least besides Lucius. Lucius stood there staring off into space refusing to look at Draco. He is so cold to him. I felt bad so I walked over and joined his and Narcissa's hug. She waited until Draco had walked away and said to me, "Listen Lilith, I need you to look out for him. Don't let him get into any fights or say the wrong things. Make sure he studies and does well." I knew Narcissa was counting on me by her looking in my eyes, I could feel her stare in my soul. I responded with a gleaming smile, "Of course I will!" and she let out a laugh and pulled Daphne and I in for a hug. "Goodluck ladies" she called out.

I said my final goodbyes to Jax, although he was annoying and I couldn't tell him this for it would boost his ego far to much, I was gonna miss him. I said goodbye to Astoria and her parents, then my parents came over and pulled me aside.

I expected them to say something like "You are Lilith Amoor, you have a great name to live up to. Live up to your parents for I Alexander and your mother Octavia are very well respected" I shuddered at the thought of them expecting so much from me. Instead Mother calmly said to me, "You are Lilith. Not one of the Amoor's, not Octavia's daughter, your Lilith. Be yourself. Don't let people tell you, you have to live up to the " Pureblood Proper" expectation" I giggled at that. My father continued for my mother, " I love you, stay safe you got this, I know my girl can do this!" I pulled them in one last time for our final hug goodbye. "Love you guys".

Soon enough, the train whistled and it was time.

Catch you later,
Lilith Sage Amoor

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