Chapter 3, Year 2

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October 31st, 1993

I sat in class bored out of my mind. We were in DADA and were learning about Bogarts. I wasn't on good speaking terms with Draco but we'd had a few instances where we've had a word.

They consisted of the following:

"What are you doing?" Draco said
"Get away from me Draco!" I said

"Can you help me with this potions work Daphne?"
I said
"I can help you!" said Draco
"Fuck off!" I remarked

And many more instances happened, but I'm guessing you got the idea. Whenever I saw him in class he was always staring at me, maybe he felt guilty I don't know. Or maybe he wanted an apology who cares. Anyways, before class I ran into Theo in the hallway.

We began talking, "Whats up with you and Malfoy" he asked me. "Nothing really, just he's going to Hogsmeade with Parkinson" I told him. "Explains a lot, catch you later!" He said running off to go tell Blaise and the others.

And that leaves me here, where I am now. We learned about the spell Riddikulus, while Draco stood in the back making a lot of comments for someone who can't do spells. I mean, he's in a sling!

"This class is ridiculous" he said rolling his eyes. Crabbe and Goyle looked at him like he was a genius, "Haha, yeah good one Malfoy!" they said.

We got in line for the boggarts. A boy named Nevilles boggart was Snape dressed like his grandmother. We all laughed at that, but he was able to successfully get rid of it.

Other people tried getting rid of spiders, or being on a cliff, and then it was Harry's turn. Harry's boggart popped out of the closet, it was a dementor. He tried doing the spell and couldn't, Lupin jumped in front of him to get rid of it then dismissed class.

I walked away chatting with Daphne, and heard my name being called by a familiar voice. "Lilith! Lilith Sage!" shouted Draco.

I ignored him until it became unbearable finally turning around for a second. I was very hot headed, "If you're here to rub that you're going with Parkinson in, I don't care" I sneered at him.

I saw him call over Blaise and start whispering something to him but I continued ignoring them.
Later that night, I was in the common room waiting for Daphne, when Blaise came up to me.

He asked me how I was and we began chatting about school and who we were going to Hogsmeade with, I told him how I was going with Daphne and he told me he was going with Theo.

Oddly enough, he brought up Draco which he knew I didn't want to talk about right now. "I heard Parkinson is sick, I feel bad Draco doesn't have anyone to go with." I raised one eyebrow at him confused. "She's really sick?" I asked him. I felt a pair of eyes on my back staring me down.

I heard a voice answer my question, I whipped around to see Draco leaning against the wall smirking. "Yep, she got sick." I rolled my eyes at him then said "What do you want? A cookie just because she's sick?"

Blaise began walking away and it was just us. Draco looked down at me and I held his gaze for what seemed like forever. "No, I don't want a cookie Amoor. I want you to come with me to Hogsmeade" he said. I looked at him and then said, "Is this some kind of sick joke" disgusted he would think I would believe that. I began walking away when his hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

"Lilith, I'm serious! I didn't want to go with Parkinson but she begged me to be her date, I'm sorry." he said, truthfulness in his tone of voice.

I smiled at him, for the first time in a while then pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry-" I said and we were cut off by an angry brunette storming down the stairs.

He pulled me by the cloak under the stairs, pressing his hand against my lips to silence me. We sat there hid while Pansy screamed for Draco in the common room then went back upstairs to go complain to Millicent.

He pulled me out from under the stairs and I looked at him and teased him saying, "Draco has a crush, Draco has a crush" he rolled his eyes and laughed. "Me? Never."

I asked him if I was dressed appropriately for the occasion and he nodded. I ran upstairs to leave a note on my bed letting Daphne know she should come hide and watch us.

Tonight was going to be the best night ever.

Amoor, Lilith

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