Chapter 6 Teasing Noah.

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A few weeks have passed since that encounter with Noah. At first it was fun having a little crush, but now it wasn't going any where and I was kind of bummed.

I was starting to put my shin guards on when Tayla started to speak.

"So, he hasn't said anything to you?"

"Nope. Apart from stares here and there and a smile when we are close. Nothing. I guess he really was just being nice."

"Well it's his loss." Shalaya said putting her bag in her locker.

"I don't know. Maybe it was something I did. Maybe my outfit wasn't as cute as we thought or maybe it was my hair."

"Girl no. You were hot as fuck in that outfit and your hair was fine. He is probably just oblivious like every other guy on this planet."

"Yeah girl you looked like a bad bitch at that party and if he can't see that then he missed his chance it is not your fault."

"I guess. My mom was wrong. Having a crush can hurt. I really wanted it to be more, but I knew it was too good to be true. Guys like him do not go for girls like me."

"What do you mean "girls like you" you are smart and beautiful and-"

"And funny as fuck."

"Right exactly!" I laughed. I knew they were right. I just had never really felt beautiful. In high school I was kind of invisible standing next to my best friends, but they were always more out going than I was. I wasn't much of a talker unless I knew everyone around us.

"If you want his attention again then you should tease him. We know he looks at you during games, so next time he does do something to make him stare. Be bold!"

"Yeah you should tease him. You have to remember that we hold the power in many places. You are confident at work, so use some of that bad bitch energy to your advantage."

"I mean I'll try. Can't promise anything. " I would definitely have to get out of my comfort zone to "tease" Noah. How do I even do that? I know for them teasing a guy was probably second nature, but for me I literally could barely talk to a guy on my own much less tease him.

Noah's POV

It was finally half time during the game. We all jogged over to the bench to drink some water. We were finally in the lead 3-0. Maybe we will finally win this game, but that other team could easily come back. All we had to do was keep playing like we were in the first half. I saw the women's team was also on half time. I couldn't help, but to sneak a peak at PJ. She was so pretty. I'm still trying to figure out a way to ask her out. It's been weeks and I don't know what is taking so long for me to just out right ask her. I think deep down I'm scared because I like her so much. No other woman has made feel like this and this feeling is so foreign to me.

I was looking at PJ when she turned over and saw me watching her. She caught me staring, now I'm definitely creepy. I got a little nervous, but I couldn't show it. Maybe I should smile at her. No because I probably will think I'm looking all sexy while smiling, but in reality I probably look like I want to kidnap her or something. I kept staring and she kept staring at me when her friend whispered something in her ear. I'm not really sure why we are intensely staring at her, but she's not backing down and neither am I. She started to put on chap stick slowly. I looked down to her plump rosy lips and clenched my jaw. Was she teasing me? Why would she keep on staring at me while moisturizing her lips? She smirked and winked at me then started to put her lip balm away. I can't believe she did it on purpose. I didn't think she had that in her. Her confidence turned me on. Now my big friend was starting to stand up. In these shorts it would definitely be noticeable. I was still standing there with my lips parted when Tony got my attention.

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