Chapter 29 Woods Wing

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A few days has passed and now we were moving over to some location in the woods that Noah mentioned when we first got here. I am not sure what to expect, but Noah and Tony have been moving our stuff over all day. I'm actually excited to get out of Noah's cramped bedroom that we for sure do not all fit in.

"Okay bub you ready to go?" Noah came up from behind me while I was changing Ziva. He started placing long kisses on my neck. He breathed in and sighed deeply sending shivers down my spine. His touch was so invigorating.

"I miss you." He mumbled. I finished zipping up Ziva's jammies and then turned around to embrace Noah. We stayed that way for a moment until we heard Ziva start to get fussy. Noah lifted his head to look towards her.

"Hey, you have her all day. Let me have my time." He snuggled back into my neck. I laughed at his playful antics. She started to get more agitated and he chuckled a little.

"Okay. Okay. Come to DaDa." He moved to pick her up. Once he was holding her, she stopped and just stared at him while he talked to her and rocked her back and forth.

"DaDa will protect you with his life okay? Never forget that. I'm gonna take you to a place where nature surrounds you." He kissed her on her forehead.

"Okay the car is here." Tony said walking in.

"Aaww is that my niece!" Tony got all excited and ran over to look at her with the biggest grin on his face. Noah and I stared at him smiling. He looked up at us.

"What? Leave me alone." I laughed and threw my hands up in defense.

"I've never seen a girl make you do that." Noah said teasing Tony. Tony just rolled his eyes.

"Alright let's head out." Stated Noah.

We hopped into the black SUV and started to head down a dirt pathway. I had seen this path when I was out in the back yesterday reading. I had wondered if this was the way to the wing out into the woods, but too afraid to speak up and actually ask anyone. About 5 minutes down the path, we came to a fork in the road, but only one path was open. The other path had overgrown trees in its way and overall looked abandoned. I thought we were going to take the other path until the overgrown trees started to move backwards revealing the fact that it was a gate.

"Oh. Wow." I said in shock.

As we entered the pathway it was just big enough for the car to drive down. All along the side of us were tall trees covering the pathway. We drove for another 5 minutes until the pathway opened to a small parking lot. There was a one-story building with a big metal door. Two guards were standing in front of the doors with machine guns. I looked around the building and noticed a tall grey wall lined with trees that looked like it wrapped around the property. I must have looked nervous because I was snapped out of my head when Noah placed his hand on my thigh.

"You ready bub?" He said quietly. I nodded my head. He grabbed Ziva in her carrier and I followed out of the car. We walked up to the door and Tony and Noah scanned their badges.

"your badge should be on the counter in our room. Every time you come out of here you need to have that badge to get back in." Noah stated. I nodded my head taking this all in. The guards opened the door for us.

We walked into the long bright hallway. To the left looked like a movie room with a big projector screen and recliners. As we walked down a little further, we noticed other families, some were staring, others too occupied with what they were doing. There was another room that looked like it was for recreational purposes like arts and crafts or board games of some sort.

We reached our room that was towards the back of the building. I caught a glimpse of the back yard and it was huge. I don't even think I could see where it ended. I couldn't wait to go out and explore a little more out there, but it would probably have to be tomorrow because it was starting to get dark. We entered our room and surprisingly it wasn't small. It wasn't the biggest, but a good size for us to all fit. There was a little kitchen/living area and then a door leading to our room that had a bathroom connected. This wasn't so bad. Sure, as hell better than the last place we stayed in.

"What do you think?" Noah asked.

"It's not bad. Better than your old room, I guess." I looked down. He walked towards me and put Ziva down He grabbed my waist to pull me closer.

"I know it's not the most ideal situation, but I promise I'm working on getting us out of here as soon as possible."

"I know. It will be fine." I smiled.

"Okay, so I will be heading out now." Tony said crouching down to see Ziva.

"Bye beauty." Tony cooed then walked out.

"I have something for you." Noah reached into his pocket and pulled out a flip phone. My eyes grew wide.

"I know it's not like your touch screen, but those phones aren't allowed they are too easy to tra-" I cut Noah off by kissing him. He was surprised at first, but then kissed me back. I pulled away.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I exclaimed. Excited to call my mom and best friends.

"Wow. I missed your lips." Was all Noah could say.

A couple of weeks have passed since we have moved out here. The first few days were great. Noah got a few days off and we unpacked everything, met other families staying there, I even got to call Tayla, but of course, do good things last forever? The answer is I have no clue. Noah has been kind of distant lately. He is usually really affectionate but hasn't been since he has been back to work. I honestly think he is just tired, but I am not sure. He leaves early and comes back hella late. I try to stay up for him, but I always end up falling asleep on the couch. I know he moves me to our bed though because I always wake up there. I just miss him. I would give anything to just wake up with him cuddling me. I think Ziva misses him too. She's been so fussy lately.

I just sort of thought that we would go back to the way things were, but things weren't like they were before and I had to keep reminding myself that. I told myself not to get my hopes up, but stupid me got them up high only for them to jump out of the plane and plummet to the ground with no parachute.

I was sitting out in the garden reading while Ziva laid in her portable swing. There were tree's and flowers everywhere. There were a couple of wooden swings with cushions on them that I usually sat on to read. They had a big playground and other play structures I'm guessing for the older kids and I was right The back yard extended far and from the front of the back you couldn't see where it ended, but once you started walking towards the back, you could see the familiar grey wall shielding us.

This is really my favorite place to be out here in the woods wing. Ziva likes it too because she is usually awake longer when we come out here. Which is basically every day except for when it rains. I was just about to flip the page of my book when I heard some commotion behind me. I turned my head to see Noah running towards me. I couldn't quite read the expression on his face, so I began to worry. Thoughts of us not actually being safe here started to swirl my head.

"What's wrong?!" I said in a panic. Noah grabbed my cheeks and kissed me so passionately I thought I was going to pass out from lack of air. I squealed into the kiss because he hadn't shown me this much affection in weeks. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"Nothing is wrong. We found him." His smile grew wide.

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