Chapter 3 Drooling Over PJ.

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Noah's POV

As I laid in bed that night all I could think of was PJ. The way her brown eyes glistened in the field lights. How passionate she was when she was cheering for her team. The way her butt moved as she was jumping up and down. I know I need to stop staring at her ass, but man it was like perfect. "Noah stop. You're gonna make us hard." I thought to myself in my head. "Too late for that." I chuckled and rolled over in bed. Here I am lying in bed letting some woman, who has no clue I even exist, get into my every thought. How am I going to fall asleep now? I'll just do the only logical thing and beat my shit.


"Is anybody else fucking sore from yesterday's game?" Tayla groaned throwing her stuff into the corner of my office and sitting down to eat lunch. I looked up from my laptop and laughed shaking my head.

"You know you should try soaking in Epsom salt." I said taking a bite of my rice and beans.

"Guysssss." Shalaya said dragging while walking into my office. We looked at her with a face of what now.

"One of my hoes is acting up." she said saddened. Tayla and I looked at each other, shook our heads and smiled.

"Well maybe you should choose the most loyal hoe and get in a relationship with them, so you don't have these problems." Tayla says in a condescending tone.

Shalaya starts to mock Tayla "MaYbE yOu ShOuLd ChOoSe... girl bye! I'm not doing that because then nothing is exciting anymore." We rolled our eyes and continued to eat our food. The day went by quickly because I scheduled Water aerobics for most of the senior citizens. I pulled up in Tayla's driveway. "You should really soak in some Epsom salt tonight. You don't want to be sore for tomorrow's game."

"If I can find any in my house I will. I'll fuck with you best friend."

"Alright best friend I'll fuck wit cha." Tayla gets out of the car and heads into her house. My house is the next street over, so it didn't take much time until I was at my house. As I walked in, I turned on a lamp. My mom wasn't going to be home until the morning time, so it was just me fending for myself tonight. Thats wasn't knew for me. Mom was usually gone working at the hospital for a couple of days at a time since I was in middle school. I kind of had to grow up and mature a little early because of her job, but honestly I didn't mind. I wasn't really in a dinner mood tonight, so I just ate some watermelon and went to bed. I know. Not the most ideal dinner, but I'm lazy and don't really care.

 I woke up to a door shutting. I knew it was my mom coming home from work. I rolled out of bed to go greet her.

"Morning mom." I said lazily rubbing my eyes.

"Morning sweetie." She looked exhausted. I mean who wouldn't be after a 48-hour shift at the hospital.

"Did the mom give birth? She okay?" I asked.

"Yep! Two beautiful twin girls!"

"Wow. Ouch!"

"Yes, but she did so great. I'm going to head to bed, but I was thinking I could come to your game tonight. I haven't seen you play in a while."

"Yeah that would be cool!" I smiled. I was honestly pretty geeked. Ever since my mom became a nurse, we haven't spent much time together because life kind of just happens. Dad left when I was really little and has never been back, so mom had to get a job that would support the both of us comfortably, but of course the job had it's faults like not seeing my mom much. I'm in college now, so it really doesn't bother me much anymore.  The whole day at work, I was in a good mood because I was excited to see my mom at my game. She hasn't been to a game since I graduated high school. This was a big deal. She was never in to soccer, but she would come to watch me play sometimes.

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