Chapter 15 Don't cry Princess.

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Noah's POV

I gasped for air as I felt the sudden coldness on my face. I was breathing heavily when I heard Tony's voice in the distance.

"Hey. Are you good?" He asked. He had thrown water on me. I was confused at first, but then it all hit me. PJ was still missing. Panic suddenly rushing through me.

"She's fucking gone! I don't know where she went or if someone took her, but she wouldn't just leave like that because she wasn't feeling well!" I started to breathe rapidly again.

"Hey stay calm. Maybe she is at another friend's house. You texted all her friends?"

"I mean ye- oh fuck Shalaya let me ask her." I pulled out my phone and texted her, but she said no as well.

"Fuck she said no. What am I going to do? How am I going to tell her mom? We have to fucking call the police!" I go to grab my phone, but then Tony knocks it out of my hand.

"NO! You cannot call the fucking police. That could out our gang and they will never find her!" Tony shouted.

"Are you fucking serious? She's missing!!"

"I KNOW! AND WE WILL FIGURE IT OUT, BUT NOT WITH THE POLICE. You know if you would have let her go none of this would have happened!" Tony yelled and got in my face.

"I kept it Lowkey! We haven't even gone out, but to mine and her place! How low can I get without fucking ignoring her?!" Tears started to reach the brim of my eye and I think Tony noticed it.

"Okay look I'm sorry. We are going to find her. We need to go to the warehouse and tell Jai. She's our leader, she will know what to do." I nodded my head, and we grabbed our stuff and got in Tony's truck.


I was in the back of the car crying uncontrollably. I was so terrified. Who were these people? What were they going to do to me? Why did they choose me? Where are they taking me? The car ride was so bumpy that it was making me nauseous and I couldn't stop crying.

"Shut up back there!" One guy yelled. I tried to stop crying, but everything was dark, and I couldn't help, but think I was going to die, and this was the end of me and then I would start to cry louder. One of the guys started to get more and more pissed off and then he punched me in my mouth.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" He screamed. I was in shock. I couldn't believe this man just punched me. My mouth started to taste like Iron, and I knew I was bleeding. I wanted to scream, but I was so afraid of getting hurt again. I just felt the blood drip out of my mouth.

We were driving for what seemed like an hour until the car came to a stop. I heard everyone getting out of the car and then I felt my side open and some guy harshly grabbed my arm.

"Let's go!" I stumbled out of the car and instantly threw up.

"Ugh! You bitch!" The guy slapped me, and I fell to the wet grass.

"What happened?" Another guy asked.

"She fucking threw up on my shoes!" He screamed. The other guy started laughing and then grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me up. We started walking through the grass. It smelled like it had just rained. I tried to see if I could hear any cars, but I couldn't hear anything, but flies flying around the area. We stopped walking and I heard a small creek. Then we kept on walking. wherever we just walked into smelled kind of like hay and dust. I got thrown to the floor and my arms twisted backwards and tied to what felt like a wooden pillar. The guy took my blind fold off. I squinted at the bright light shining above me. Once I regained my vision, I looked at the male in front of me. I had never seen him before in my life. He was short and had long brown hair and I was sitting around in what looked like a barn.

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