Chapter 31 Stitches.

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I was sitting in the movie room with the other moms and dads who were back in the wing as well. I had the baby monitor with me because Ziva was sleeping. We were all sitting around worried for our significant others trying to keep our minds off the situation at hand.

"I'm so sorry you guys. I know this is all my fault." I teared up.

"Hey, trust me when I say we have all been there. That's why we are back here and still here. Don't beat yourself up. You didn't do this." I just nodded.

"She's right. Besides we are all a family we are in this together." One guy said while everyone agreed. I mustered up a smile to give them. Ziva started to cry on the monitor, so I got up and said goodnight to everyone.

By morning no one had heard anything. I walked out to talk to some of the other families there and they said they had not heard anything either but were not too concerned because sometimes it's like this. I am so scared for Noah. What if he is hurt! I hate just sitting here and not being able to do anything. When are we supposed to hear about anything?

It was about midafternoon and no one still hadn't heard anything. I had just got done feeding Ziva when I heard a knock on the door. I put her down and ran to the door hoping Noah just had forgotten his key. I opened it and saw Tony. He looked rough. He had cuts all over his face. He wasn't wearing a shirt, so I saw his bandage wrapped around his stomach.

"Oh my gosh! Tony! What happened? Where's Noah. Oh god! Oh, fuck fuck fuck fuck." I started to cry uncontrollably. He was dead was all I kept thinking. Tony limped in and hugged me, and I swear my legs almost gave out on me.

"Hey, breathe. We don't know if he is dead, but they did take him. We are doing everything we can to find him. We put trackers on all their cars just in case something like this happened. We have our best person on the job. Okay?" I nodded my head only then realizing that Tony was hurt.

"My gosh come sit down!" I rushed.

"I'll be fine. Didn't hit anything major." Tony winced as he sat down on the couch.

"What happened? Is anyone else hurt?"

"Couple of us didn't make it. Some are wounded. It's a part of the job. Some of their gang didn't make it either so." He shrugged his shoulders and sat there with his head back.

"I'm sorry. I feel like this is all my fault." I cried.

"It's not your fault. Get that out of your head. You have no control over this. Shit like this happens. Okay?" I wiped my tears away and just nodded my head.

Noah's POV

It's dark where they have me tied up. I can't see anything. My head is throbbing it hurts so bad. How the fuck did I get here. My mouth was dry. I don't know how long I have been here. I can feel the crusted blood on my forehead.

A door opened letting light from the hallway in the room. I looked up to see who it was, and it was PJs dad. He flipped a switch and one white light flickered on. I was in a cement room. It looked like there were dry blood all over the walls.

"Noah. Noah. You are so stupid. How did you even end up here? I always win and when we find your family, I will have them brought back here and personally kill them in front of you." He smiled while rolling his sleeves up.

"You are a disgusting human being. How could you do that to your own daughter? How could you kill a baby? You will never find them." I smile back. My smile must have ticked him off because his expression changed to anger. He punched me in my mouth and blood flew out. He shook his hand to ease the pain.

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