Chapter 5 And What's this boy's name?

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I slowly opened my eyes as it was so bright in my room. I check my phone for the time, and it is 11:34. No wonder it is so bright in my room. I laid in my bed not wanting to get up. I honestly was still so confused by Noah's actions last night. Why was he stuck in my head all the sudden? His words "Don't ever touch her again." kept repeating in my head repeatedly. I thought I would just sleep these thoughts off, but I cannot get this stupid handsome guy out of my head. Sighing I  rolled out of bed and took a quick shower. Maybe a nice warm shower would rid my head of these thoughts or so I thought, but he was still floating around. 

I walked out of my room to the kitchen with a towel wrapped around my hair and started to make pancakes. I figured since we didn't have breakfast together the other day  we could make up for that. 

"Morning sweetie." My mom said while rubbing her eyes. Her hair sticking up every which way. 

"Morning how was your night?" I asked.

"It was really nice. Got to catch up with some old friends. I stopped back by the house because I forgot my wallet and noticed your car was gone."

"Yeah the girls convinced me to go to a party." I hesitated to tell her about Noah. I don't know why. Maybe it was because I was unsure about the whole situation. It's not like I was super close with my mom, but I guess I didn't have anybody to talk about before. 

"Wow. How did they do that?" She teased.

"I think I met a guy and he likes me. I think." I blurted out. She looked at me surprised.

"And what's this boy's name?"

"His name is Noah." I blushed.

"Well why do you only "think" he likes you?"

"Uuumm... well he might have protected me from another guy that was making me uncomfortable and after I got embarrassed, he came and checked on me and made sure I was okay. I don't know. Maybe I'm just reading into this too much."

"Well if there is anything, I have learned in my years it's that no man goes out of his way to do anything for a girl unless he's into her."

"Yeah I guess." I said while handing my mom her pancakes.

"Just let yourself have this hun. You never let yourself have a crush. If he is into you great and if not, then no harm done because it was just a crush." She smiled. I smiled and took a bite of my pancakes. Maybe my mom is right. There's no harm in having a little crush. 

Noah's POV

I woke up to the sun beaming down on me. I took my hat off my face and looked around. I was on one of the pool loungers outside. I must have dozed off here. I got up and walked inside of Tony's house. It was trashed. Cups everywhere, food on the floor. It smelled like a mixture od throw up alcohol and weed. Tony was loaded though, so I knew he was just going to hire a cleaning service to clean it all up. I kind of felt bad for that cleaning service, but I know Tony pays well. His parents wouldn't care so long as he cleaned up after himself. Tony's parents were always gone taking trips around the world. I guess when your only child become an adult there is no reason to stay home. I walked out and hopped in my car and headed home. I was thinking about PJ. I know shocker. I hope I didn't overstep when I confronted that guy. Nah that guy was making her uncomfortable and I'll be damned if anyone makes my girl uncomfortable. Fuck she is not mine. I didn't even try and ask her out. Fuck. I'm such an idiot. What is stopping me? I have never been this shy to ask out any girl. Not to toot my own horn, but most girls come to me. I just seal the deal with my smile. Most girls are suckers for a dimple and licking of the lips. I pulled into my driveway agitated. How the fuck do I even ask her out. As I was walking into my house my brother Grant was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Yo." He said still watching the TV.

"Sup." I walked over to the fridge and grabbed some orange juice and headed up stairs to turn on my shower. I was super tired, but I needed a shower before I went back to sleep. I'm sure my stench lingered of smoke. I don't smoke, but I could smell some people probably made there way outside to where I fell asleep in the loungers and lit a cig. I didn't care too much if other people did it, but personally it's not for me. 

I got in the shower and just stood under the water letting it run down my body. I started thinking of ways I could ask PJ out. I could get her number from someone and just ask her, or I could message her on Instagram. Who am I kidding I can't do any of those too basic. Plus she would probably think I'm a creep stalking her or something. Maybe that shows I'm persistent? Still creepy though, I guess.  I don't know what I'm gonna do. 

I started to remember what PJ was wearing at the party. The skirt she was wearing really showed off her long golden legs and her top really accentuated her waist. I looked down and didn't realize I was stroking my hard dick while thinking of her. I couldn't help it she looked so good in that outfit and it turned me on to the point where I was stroking my dick faster breathing heavily while holding onto the wall. Images of PJs lips in my head and how badly I wanted to kiss her. To touch her soft looking body. To feel her all around me. I could feel myself getting sloppier with the motions, so I moved to the tip of my dick and went faster. 

"Ah fuck." I groaned quietly while releasing all over my hand. I stood there trying to catch my breath. Starting to clean my body with my  Dove for men fresh clean scented body wash and  thought about how I needed to find a way to ask PJ out and soon because she is way to pretty to not have guys all over and I just can't stand the thought of her being in the arms of another man. 

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