Chapter 25 I really hate to say this.

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Noah's POV

I was sitting in an empty office. I don't think anyone has been in here for a while because it smelled like dust. I am trying to track down the where abouts of PJs dad, but I have no leads. This man just disappeared into thin air.

"FUCK!" I shouted slamming my fists against the desk. I am so fed up with this whole situation. I just want to be with my girl and baby already!

I closed my laptop while storming out of the office. I looked over and saw Tony in the kitchen. He nodded his head at me, but I was too pissed off to nod back. I opened my room door and slightly slammed it and threw my laptop on my bed while grabbing the remote and turning the T.V. on. 

The screen was sectioned off into squares for each different part of PJs house that had a camera in it. I clicked on PJs room and saw her sleeping. She looked restless like she wasn't sleeping. Well she wasn't sleeping with a newborn in the house. I felt bad for not being able to be there for her. That was my baby too. I am supposed to be there not getting any sleep either. My baby girl looked so sweet. Sleeping peacefully. She had the cutest button nose. As I was staring at my girls, I heard a slight knock on my door.

"Come in" I said. Tony opened the door just enough for him to walk through and close it shut behind him.

"I just came to check up on you. You good?" He asked. I sighed.

"Yeah. I'm just frustrated. I can't find PJs dad anywhere and it's pissing me the fuck off. It's like he doesn't exist anymore, but knows everything that PJ is doing. I'm scared. I just want to be with my family." I huffed.

"Yeah, but eventually he's gonna slip up and were gonna get him."

"I know, but how fucking long is that going to take? I just need to see my girls and shit my mom misses me. I've barely talked to my brother. I used to take care of him like he was my own when my dad passed. It's just weird now. I know he knows something is up. After all of this, I'm going to take my girls to see my mom. She's going to be so excited. I think." I smirked. Tony was looking at the television screen.

"Is that my niece?" He asked.

"Yeah. She has the cutest tiny cry ever." I smile while looking at her.

"Oh shit. Noah's becoming a softy." Tony nudged me while smirking.

"Only for my girls. I'll still beat your ass." Tony threw his hands up in defense.

"My bad. What's my niece's name anyway?" He asked.

"Ziva." I smile.

"That's beautiful bro. I'm happy for you. Hey, look we are gonna find that son of a bitch and get your girls back!" He said standing up and heading to the door.

"damn right."

"Alright, let us know if you need anything."

"Okay thanks." I nodded. It feels good to know that everyone has my back. Even Tony has come around. Which I knew he would. I told you he likes kids and is damn good with them too. This man was infuriating me. I'm gonna kill the motherfucker. I don't care. No one messes with my fucking family.


The warm shower water that was trickling down my body felt so nice. It felt like I was washing away all the crusty breast milk and baby pee off me. It had been a few weeks since Ziva was born. My days consisted of taking care of my baby girl and pumping. That's it. Nothing else. Tayla and Shalaya were being so helpful. Whenever I needed a nap or a shower, they never hesitated to watch her for me. She has the best aunties! Thank goodness because her sperm donor certainly isn't going to be in her life. 

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