Chapter 2

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31st October 1981

Children's ages: 1
Marauders ages: 21


Orion's PoV:

Finally! It's finally the 31st of October 1981! After tonight I won't have to see the damn Potter brat, John James Potter. I mean sure he'll be famous for something he didn't do but I'm already infamous.

James and Lily aren't too bad at the moment, James is rather amusing and Lily is extremely kind but I know it will not last long when their son becomes famous.

Lily is also 8 months pregnant with their second child, they baby is due at the beginning of December. It's a baby girl this time and they decided to name her Jasmine Lily Potter.


Voldies POV:

Tonight is the night that I kill the brat of the prophecy. My faithful servant wormtail informed me of the Potters whereabouts. Luckily enough, the Black heir is being babysat by them tonight.

Now I already have the feeling that the young Black heir is the child of the prophecy and I have to admit I am saddened to have to kill the boy as he would grow to be a very powerful young man. But alas it must be done so the dark side can rise to the top and all of our wizarding ideals and culture can be returned to society once more.

I blasted down the potters door and heard the Potter Lord shout for his wife to take the boys and run. I rolled my eyes before sending a stunner at James and following the three up the stairs.

As if they could get away

I blew open the nursery door to see Lily Potter but the boy in the Potter heirs cot before turning to face me. I must admit she is brave but stupid.

"Stupefy," I tossed the stunner at the woman lazily before gliding forwards to the two young infants.

I peered down at either of them, the Potter boy had his mother's red hair and his fathers hazel eyes but they seemed more of a muddy brown. I checked his magical core and it was laughable how weak it was. He was barely a wizard, he could have been a squib.

I sneered at the wailing boy and turned to the next one.

"Orion Black," I whispered.

His big grey eyes, identical to the rest of his family gazed up at me without an ounce of fear. It was slightly unnerving how piercing his eyes were, especially for a child. They reminded me of his namesakes eyes. Icy cold and powerful. Orion Black, his grandfather was a very close ally before his death. He and Abraxas were the closet thing I had to friends I suppose and it was a shame to kill the young heir. But the Blacks were young enough to produce another heir and carry on the line, so I pointed my wand at his forehead.

"I'm deeply sorry young heir Black but it must be done. If I could be 100% sure that you were on my side then I'd be able to let you live but alas, I can't be. I shall mourn you little one...Avada Kedavra!"

Instead of the boy falling back lifelessly, the curse hit his forehead before rebounding back towards me, I was too shocked to move and the sickly green light hit me full force in the chest, ripping my soul once more and turning me into nothing but a damaged soul shard.

Orion's PoV:

When Riddle turned into the soul shard, he was in two separate pieces, one - his main piece - fled from the house and the other came my way. Before it could enter my head, Death grabbed the soul shard and put it back into the main piece.

Thanks deathie!

DON'T call me Deathie Young master!

Alright Deathie

I could hear Death grumbling in my head before I broke the connection. As soon as I did, I registered John wailing and screaming at the top of his lungs. I turned and sneered at the bright red boy in distaste.

How do they possibly believe that this...thing is the boy who defeated the dark lord?

John had a small barely visible cut on his chin, it was in the shape of a sideways V. I conjured a mirror and looked at my own reflection. My scar was the original lightning bolt but it cut through my eyebrow and eye this time, thankfully my vision was still perfect.

 My scar was the original lightning bolt but it cut through my eyebrow and eye this time, thankfully my vision was still perfect

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Imagine him without the glasses and that's pretty much him at 11 as this art made Harry have grey eyes and the bigger scar.

It honestly looked cool in my opinion, it added to my powerful and strong look.

Suddenly, James, Sirius, Lucia and Dumblewhore ran into the room, their wands out.

"LILY!" James called to the red head laying on the floor.

"Rennervate," Dumbles said pointing the elder wand at her.

That's meant to be my wand

I know Young master but you may call upon it whenever you like

Lily awoke with a star and instantly screeched, "JOHN! OH MY BABY!"

This seemed to snap everyone out of their trance and they all ran towards us. I held my arms up to the first person to get to me, who was James and he picked me up whilst Lily picked John up.

"Oh thank merlin you're ok Johnny!" Lily exclaimed.

James bounced me slightly on his hip before saying, "scared us all their kiddo."

He passed me over to my fathers strong arms before going over to his own son.

"Oh thank merlin! Orion are you alright son?" Sirius asked.

"Hurwts daddy," I said pointing to the large gash on my forehead. His eyes widened and he turned to Lucia.

My mother frowned when she saw the shape of the cut, it was the hand movement of the killing curse, a lightning bolt.

"Hey Albu-" Lucia was cut off by Lily.

"ALBUS LOOK AT THIS CUT ON MY SONS CHIN! LOOK WHAT THAT MONSTER DID TO MY BABY!" Lily screamed at the headmaster, rocking John, who was still wailing.

Dumbledore walked over to the redheads and inspected John's cut.

"I declare John James Potter, the boy who lived!" He announced cheerfully.

I scowled at the man, wanting nothing more than to choke him with his own silver beard. The barmy old fool.

"Uh sir? What about Orion, he has a cut too?" Sirius asked.

Dumbledore came over and inspected my own.

"Nothing to worry about my dear boy, I suspect it was a piece of debris from the roof or door that did this," he smiled stupidly.

Oh how I wish the hulk could throw you around like he did Loki!

My parents nodded but I could see the doubt in their eyes. I had a feeling they both thought it was me who defeated Riddle and they were right.


- how was the chapter?
- the next one will be Orion growing up and his letter arriving

- B

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