Chapter 24

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Third pov:

Sirius had retaken his post as DADA professor after taking Orion's second year off to help in the Auror department. It was clear that the Slytherins, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were thrilled to have him back whilst the Gryffindors not so much. They didn't want to be taught by a Black. In their minds, all Blacks were insane.

Sirius was glad to be back working alongside his wife and best friends and being able to be closer to his son once more. He'd missed them all terribly the past year, whilst he was out hunting 'dark' wizards. When in actual fact, out of the 15 they arrested, only 4 were found to have an affinity for dark magic, whilst 3 of them were neutral and the other 8 were light, it just proved that one's affinity did not determine their morals. It pissed the Black Lord off, knowing that the majority of the wizarding world believed dark witches and wizards to be evil, with criminal tendencies, when in actual fact all they were trying to do is live their lives in peace.

Sirius knew that Orion was also irritated by the brain-washing but the Black Lord also knew that his boy would grow up to be the greatest wizard in magical history even though he was a dark wizard, and that wasn't even him being bias towards his own blood. Orion was just that, a great wizard. Even at his tender age of 13, he was better than anyone Sirius had ever met, he could probably best Dumbledore!

It did often confuse Sirius on how his son could be so successful at a young age but he'd decided long ago not to question it, he was just proud to have a healthy, handsome and happy son.

The young teenager was always wise beyond his years and even beyond Sirius', it truly was odd. It was like one of those things you always hear of happening but never witness.

For a thirteen year old, he was off the scales in both magical and political power, and Sirius was sometimes shocked that the boy hadn't let it get to his head. Sure the lad was seen to be arrogant but that was merely a front. When you actually got to know him, you'd see how good of a person he truly was. He was one of the kindest, most loyal people the Black Lord had ever met, and that wasn't him being bias towards his own son.

It was the truth.

Orion Black II, was a good person.

He was a dark wizard but he was a good person.

Far better than his namesake.

But most just didn't see the truth, nor did they want to (most of the Gryffindors and light side). But if they actually bothered to look past the surface, they'd see something much more than the arrogant and cocky front that Orion put on. They'd see a kind, loyal, compassionate and empathetic boy.

But alas, so many people are so far up themselves that they repeatedly fail to notice what is under the masks that people wear on a daily basis.

They fail to see the truth.

And that's what so many did towards Orion.

It's what they did to Regulus.

>>>>>>>>>end of chapter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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