Chapter 18

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Third POV:

Orion's first lesson with Lockheart had been a nightmare for one but dream come true for the other.

Perhaps you could guess which way round it and been?

Well if you can't, Orion and Bailey had completely ruined Lockheart's entire lesson plan (one that completely revolved about himself).


Orion, Draco, Theo, Daphne, Pansy, Tracy, Blaise and Bailey all sat down on one side of the room, whilst the Gryffindors sat on the other.

John glared at them as he strutted pitifully to the desk directly in front of Lockheart's desk and plonked rather...ungracefully into the seat. But as he did so, Bailey subtly pointed her wand at the back legs and cast a nearly silent cutting hex, causing the legs to snap the second his rear touched the seat.

"Ah!" John yelped as he fell arse first onto the ground in front of the entire class and professor, hair face as red as his hair.

Lockheart merely stared down at his student with a look of disappointment.

"Never mind Potter, I'll fix it for you." He said, pulling the red head to his feet.

Orion barely hid his grin.

"Reparo!" The blond man exclaimed.

But as the spell clashed with the chair, the wood splintered and wrapped around John's legs like a cocoon, causing him to fall flat onto his face this time.

Orion definitely did nothing to hide his laugh, neither did the rest of the room actually.

As the laughs filled the classroom, John finally got out of his little wood trap and stormed out of the classroom, yelling at everyone to shut up as he did so. But all he achieved was making himself look like a stroppy toddler.

"That was great sis!" Theo cackled.

Bailey winked at her twin before turning to grin at her betrothed.

"I do believe it's your turn Ori."

Orion rolled his eyes by nodded nonetheless. He stood to his feet, the paper Lockheart had just handed to him in one hand and his wand in the other. He walked right up to the desk at the front and slammed the paper down.

"I do believe that you are not a dark creature or a practiser of the dark arts, are you not, sir?" He smirked.

"I-How could you ever accuse me of such a thing?" Lockheart said indignantly.

"Oh I don't know, perhaps the fact that you presented us with a test on yourself during a defence against the dark arts lesson?" Orion drawled disinterestedly.

He didn't even give the professor a chance to reply as he turned on his heel dramatically and sauntered off to the door, just as the bell to signal the end of the lesson rang. But as he reached the door, he turned his head to the left, glancing back at the still gaping teacher and sneered.

"Well then sir, I hope you are more competent in your next lesson, wouldn't want people to start thinking that your books are fiction do we?"

"NO! O-of course we don't Mister Black."

End of flashback:

"Merlin I hope all of our lessons this year can be that entertaining." Tracy giggled as they all flopped down into the chairs in the common room, no longer needing to look like the heirs and heiresses they were in their own space.

"Glad to have been of service," Bailey and Orion said in sync.

>>>>>end of chapter>>>>>>>>>>>

- sorry for the delay in getting another chapter out!!!

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