Chapter 21

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Third pov:

Orion smiled gleefully as little naive John Potter sipped his pumpkin juice, he had no idea what was about to happen.

"What are you smirking at boy?" Professor James Potter sneered as he sauntered past the table.

"I fail to see how it's any of your business Professor as far as I'm aware, you aren't to meddle in a students day to day life, only to help with personal problems and school work," Orion replied snidely.

"Watch your tone, 10 points from Slytherin!" James snapped before attempting to strut away in a sort of 'power walk' but failing miserably as he tripped over his own foot.

Orion merely shrugged and turned back to watching the professor's son, it was much rather entertaining, especially when he knew what was to come.

Suddenly laughter filled the air as an enormous purple light shone throughout the great hall.

The prank had begun.


"Heir Black, I presume you had something to do with this...debacle?" Snape drawled, though the amusement was obvious in his voice.

"Of course sir, did you expect anything less?" There was no point lying to Snape, especially when he couldn't have cared less what happened to the Potter heir.

"Temporary baldness potion mixed with a two month long drag look...creative I must say."

"I'm glad you think so sir," the Black heir grinned cheekily.

"Although I'm not impressed with the docked points, Black. Care to explain?"

"Try asking PrOfFeSsOr PoTtER." Was all Orion said before exiting, leaving Snape to ponder how he ever said the man's name like that.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>end of chapter>>>>>>>>>>>>

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