Chapter 6

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Third PoV:

Orion awoke at 7 the next morning to see Theo already up and Draco still snoring away. Orion rolled his eyes at his cousin and turned towards Theo.

"Morning Theo," he said in a raspy morning voice.

"Morning Orion," the brown haired boy smiled.

"Shall we prank Dray?" Orion smirked.

Theo chuckled at his friends enthusiasm and agreed. Both boys tiptoed over to the Malfoy Scion's bed, each with their wands out. Orion peered over at his friend and mouthed, 1 2 3!

"Aguamenti!" They both whisper-shouted.

Two identical jets of blue water shot out of the tips of their wands and hit Draco's pale face, head on.

"AH!" Draco screamed, jolting awake instantly and bolting to his feet, only to find himself still wrapped in his blanket and tumbled to the floor in a heap.

Orion and Theo burst out laughing at their friends predicament before witnessing the blond boys scowl and promptly fleeing to the bathrooms for sanctuary.


After the whole water fiasco, the trio of boys met with Blaise and made their way down to the great hall.

The quartet slipped into the bustling hall and sat at the Slytherin table, offering greetings to their fellow snakes. They each piled their plates with food and ate, quietly discussing their previous night and future classes between themselves.

At some point towards the end of breakfast, John Potter finally made his way into the great hall for his own food. The red haired boy was accompanied with his two cronies, Granger and Weasley.

John and Ronald ate like absolute pigs, causing the Slytherins to sneer at their lack of table manners.

"Potter and Weasley disgust me with their absolute lack of etiquette! It's revolting and makes me feel quite sick," Orion hissed.

The others agreed with him, even the Gryffindors did silently.

After breakfast concluded, the heads of houses handed out each of their students schedules. The Slytherins found they had most classes with the Gryffindorks unfortunately. They also found that pleasantly, they had potions first.

"Perhaps this day won't be so awful," Draco smirked.


"Ah yes, John Potter, our new...celebrity," Snape mocked.

The Slytherins snickered as John's face flushed red in humiliation and anger.

"Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

"I don't know," John seethed.

Snape curled his lip at the boys stupidity.

"Tell me Potter, where would you look if I told you to find a bezoar?"

"I don't know sir," John muttered angrily.

"Now, what's the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"I don't know!"

Snape merely tutted, "pity, clearly fame isn't everything. Is it Mr Potter?"

John's face turned a horrid shade of purple as he practically spat, "clearly Granger knows, why don't you ask her!"

All the Gryffindors looked at him in awe, whilst the Slytherins looked at him in disgust.

Snape only looked gleeful, "a point will be taken for your cheek Potter, now who can tell me the answers for each of my previous questions? Black?"

"Well sir, for the first question, the answer would be a sleeping potion so powerful it's known as the Draught of the Living Death," Orion replied in a monotone voice.

"Well done Mr Black, five points to Slytherin. Now for my second question. Malfoy?"

"You would find a bezoar in the stomach of a goat sir and it will save you from most poisons." Draco said.

"Indeed Mr Malfoy, five points to Slytherin. Now finally my finale question. Miss Nott?"

"There is no difference between the two, they are the same plant and also go by the name aconite," Bailey answered cooly.

"Correct Miss Nott, another five points to Slytherin. It seems my own house is the only one capable of reading a book," Snape said.


After the rather disastrous potions lesson, which ended with Seamus nearly killing everyone in the room with an almighty explosion, the Slytherins had Transfiguration next.

~~~~~~end of chapter~~~~~~~~~

~ sorry for any typos
~ the next chapter will be Minnies class!!!

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