Chapter 25

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Third pov:

Regulus had been a dark wizard just like his nephew but also like the younger boy, he'd been a good person. But the light side hadn't seen that, all they'd seen was the son of a dark and evil witch and wizard and decided that because he was a Slytherin, he was sure to follow in their footsteps. And did he? No, no he did not. But the light side didn't notice that.

And it had gotten him killed.

Their actions had gotten an 18 year old killed, murdered in fact.

It had been covered up but Sirius and the rest of the dark side knew the truth. Dark-wizard catchers had killed him after receiving information of his whereabouts from a witch on the light side.

A witch who'd been his friend in school.

That friend had gotten him killed because of her prejudice.

But not before he'd produced an heiress. Yes that's right, Regulus had been married to a girl a year older than he, betrothed from a young age. Though, like her husband, she too had been on the dark side and hunted down. But luckily for her and their daughter, they managed to escape and go into hiding.

Their names?

Mikaela Juliette Greengrass-Black and Aquila Andromeda Black.

Aquila had been raised by her mother in secret, in France, where the Blacks had originated from.

Sirius knew of her and had met her on several occasions, she didn't resemble Regulus much but there was a bit of him in there. For example, she had his cheekbones and nose. But everything else was her mothers, her blonde hair, her amber eyes, her stature and the rest of her face.

Though she was older than Orion, she was not next in line for the lordship as Orion was the next direct relation to Sirius.

She had been attending Beauxbatons since she was 11 but desperately wanted to move to Hogwarts to be with her baby cousin, Orion.

It was like Bellatrix and Sirius all over again.

AN: it's my head cannon that Bellatrix and Sirius were actually super close as kids but grew apart with age and due to the family and the war.

Aquila was 2 years older than Orion and so she'd be in her fifth year now, doing her OWLS, hence why she wouldn't be moving until the following year. They were both excited for her to move and couldn't wait for the year to be up.

Hogwarts would once again be home to students from the Black family.

———-end of chapter———-

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