Chapter 3

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Third PoV:

Growing up, Orion was a spoilt and very much loved child. He wasn't a brat like most spoilt kids
*cough* John Potter *cough* but did have an arrogant streak much like the rest of the dark side.

He was a handsome and perfect looking child from the moment he was born and got a lot of attention because of this. He was also known to be a very powerful child and the perfect pureblood heir and because of this, he was in the paper all the time, maybe even more so then the damn brat-who-lived-to-be-a-thorn-in-everybody's-side.

Sirius taught his son to be a master in the arts of pranking, alongside transfiguration, defence and duelling. He also helped Lucia teach Orion how to occlude his mind seeing as he was being raised to be a proper Black.

With time, Sirius came to realise that lots of the pureblood traditions were actually good and he began to practice them with Lucia and they both taught him them.

Lucia trained Orion in charms, potions, ancient runes, legillimency and several other subjects.

Of course, Orion already knew far more than even they did as he was the master of death but they didn't know that. So everyone just believed he was a prodigy child, which Orion supposed he was. He was very adept at magic in his original life, now not enough to be considered a prodigy but he definitely was a strong wizard. And nothing has changed.

Everyone knew that Orion was and will always be a force to be reckoned with.



Four years after the fall of the dark lord, several of the death eaters had been locked away in Azkaban. Pettigrew was given the kiss from a dementor shortly after being arrested.

John had been declared as the chosen one/boy who lived and was extremely famous. James and Lily were humble for a few years (roughly 3-4) but it eventually went to their heads and they became arrogant. Well for James, he became more arrogant than he was as a teen.

Snape couldn't believe how much the red headed girl he loved as a sister had changed. She was a foul and horrid woman now. She didn't care that her son was a brat, she gave him whatever her little Johnny desired.

Sirius and Remus couldn't believe how much their own best friend had changed, he used to be like Sirius' brother in all but blood. Fleamont and Euphemia would be rolling in their graves if they saw what their son had become. The once mischievous and caring man (although he used to be a bully but eventually matured) was now a cocky fame hungry arse. He, much like his wife, spoilt his son rotten.

Now a month and a bit after John became the boy who lived, Lily birthed their second child. A girl this time, named Jasmine Lily Potter. She was a cute baby with dark red hair and hazel eyes. She looked very much like her mother but had her fathers eyes and nose.

She, unlike the rest of the family, was actually a decent human being. She was kind and humble and only liked the attention if it wasn't because she was the boy who lived's baby sister. She wanted to be a ravenclaw when she grew up; unlike John who wanted to be in the lions den.

Another thing that happened was Sirius and Lucia breaking the godfather/godmother bond with John. They did this willingly as they had no desire to be around the potters anymore. James and Lily were absolutely fine with it, claiming the pair were dark and didn't want their son to be around them. Now that wouldn't have bothered them but when Lily said about their son Orion being evil, the couple went mad.

Let's just say, it's safe to say that James and Lily would never be the same again.



At seven years old, Orion Rigel Black was an extremely cunning, charming and sly boy with the annoying ability to get away with anything.

Everyone always commented on how much of a heartbreaker the boy would grow to be and how identical he was to his father and his father before him.

He was very tall for a boy his age, with a lean and muscular build. He had short, immaculate wavy black hair and cold ice grey eyes that seemed to penetrate your very soul. He had a pale complexion and an aristocratic look to him with his high cheekbones and sharp jaw.

A very regal looking person is what you get from the offspring of a Malfoy and a Black. Another example of this would be Orion's older cousin Draco Malfoy.

Draco looked quite similar to his cousin except for the platinum blonde hair, height and thinner lips.

Draco was also tall for a seven year old but not quite as much as his young relative.

Both boys got on amazingly, especially due to their brother bond. Both loved pranks and quidditch, much to their mothers annoyance.

Now, Neville Longbottom was also a friend of the boys. He had light blonde hair, though not quite as bright as Draco's, and warm hazel eyes. He was a slightly chubby child with a bright smile and a passion for herbology. Unfortunately his parents were tortured into insanity by Bellatrix, Barty Crouch jr, Rudolphus and Rabastian. Sirius and Lucia were awfully confused by that as they knew none of the four would ever of done that, especially to two purebloods! Also Frank had Black blood! However distantly related he was to the main line, it didn't matter, he was still part of the family tree.

An: remember this is a GOOD dark side story!



The day Orion's letter arrived was a very proud one for the small family of three. Sirius and Lucia never wanted another child, both already knowing their only son would be enough to handle. The boy was too Slytherin for his own good!

Although both parents were wary of sending their son to a school run by the man they now despise, they decided it was for the best as that's were all of Orion's friends were to attend. That and because his betrothed would be attending.

When Orion was born, Lucia managed to convince Sirius to agree to betrothing their son to a beautiful girl named Bailey Nott. She was only a couple of months older than him. She had a twin brother called Theo, who was also one of the Black heirs friends.

Luckily, Bailey and Orion adored each other from the moment they met.

Draco was also betrothed since his birth, to a pretty girl named Daphne Greengrass. She like Bailey also came from a very long line of purebloods. Daphne had one sibling, a one year younger sister named Astoria.

Orion was quite a popular child and had lots of friends. Most of them purebloods, except two. He wasn't prejudiced or anything but he just preferred purebloods or at least halfbloods raised in the magical world as they already understood magical culture and traditions.

His friend group consisted of himself, Draco, Bailey, Theo, Daphne, Pansy, Blaise, Neville, Tracy and to a stretch Jasmine.

Hogwarts didn't know what was going to hit it.

~~~~~~end of chapter~~~~~~

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