Chapter 10

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Third POV:

Near Yuletide, Orion and Bailey were hanging around in the library, waiting for the Hogwarts express to arrive so they can go home.

Whilst inside the ancient library, they couldn't help but overhear John Potter, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley talking about Nicholas Flammel. Of course the three were too stupid to know who he was but the two Slytherin knew instantly.

Flammel created the philosophers stone, a ruby red stone that gave the elixir of life and could turn any metal into pure gold.

And the dumb Gryffindors honestly believed Snape was trying to steal it.

Bailey suggested Quirrel to Orion, who agreed wholeheartedly. The man was a stuttering mess but it sounded awfully fake. And why did he wear a turban? The older years had told them that the professor had never worn one when he was the muggle studies professor, so why now?

"Voldemort," Orion whispered with wide eyes.

"W-what? Ther-no! He's dead isn't he?" Bailey spluttered.

Orion shook his head frantically, "no Dumbledore said to the Potters that he believes he was still out there somewhere. I remember that night vividly..."

Bailey's eyes widened in shock, before saying (rather incredulously), "what?! You remember it?! Is John really the bloody boy who lived, please say he's not the stupid wonder boy?"

Orion chuckled at his betrothed's quick fire questions.

"Nah, the dunderhead merely sat there bawling his eyes out...although I do suppose he was a baby but still, Voldie wasn't even that scary! But anyway, no John Potter is not the boy-who-lived, it's me but nobody but my mother, father, uncles and aunts know the truth. Your mother and father might as well but I'm not 100% sure."

"Oh thank god, can you imagine if it was up to that prat to save the Wizarding work?!" Bailey said with a sigh of relief.

"Well, I don't think it would really be saving the world, more like dooming it by allowing all the mudbloods to influence our traditions. I'm pretty sure that eventually, the filthy Muggles will find out about our world unless the dark side win. Which, they will with me on their side and Voldemort leading them."

"Yeah...I suppose, it's just hard to think that Voldemort is actually doing the right thing. Of course he should have gone done the political route and not the psycho murdering one but whatever."

Well, that's because of the horcruxes...they made him insane, Orion thought to himself.


Over the Yule holidays, Orion came up with a plan to approach Quirrel and get a loyalty oath between them. He would not become a death eater and would NOT be marked like a damn animal. Instead, he would give a wizards oath that he would not betray Voldemort and would stay firmly on the dark side for the rest of this particular life. He would also be Voldemort's equal and they would lead the dark side together.

Then his and Bailey's firstborn son would the heir to the throne, metaphorically speaking, as Voldemort wouldn't want any kids, even with his sanity intact and his looks back.

Orion spent the holidays with his parents at Malfoy Mannor, where a huge ball was held. The Notts, Blacks, Malfoy, Greengrasses, Parkinsons, Zabinis, Rosiers, Longbottoms, Fawleys, Flints and the Lupins all attended.

Orion and Baileys danced until they practically collapsed with exhaustion. It was a great evening for all the families and a time for a heck of a load of presents for everyone.

Orion honestly couldn't count just how many presents he received. There were so many! He knew he was spoilt and pretty arrogant but he wasn't all in your face and boastful, unless it was to John Potter and his cronies whom deserved it.

His parents, who were now in their early thirties, gave him a ring for him to give to Bailey to show they are betrothed. It was from the Black family vault and was black, silver and grey with a beautiful blue diamond in the middle. Their family motto, Toujours Pur, was engraved on the ring. It meant 'Always Pure' which meant pure blood and pure of heart.

Bailey loved the ring and she in return gave him 3 earrings that went through the top of his ear, which gave him several protections from ill intent.

Bailey loved the ring and she in return gave him 3 earrings that went through the top of his ear, which gave him several protections from ill intent

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It was three arrows, made of pure silver which matched his silvery grey eyes.

Many thank your were said between the families and all of them were in high spirits.

It seems the Dark side was coming together and rising once more.

>>>>>>>end of chapter>>>>>>>

Sorry for any typos, I literally wrote this as quickly as possible!!

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