Chapter 16

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Third POV:

Orion's first year finished with successfully helping to win both the house and quidditch cup for Slytherin. John Potter had grown more and more of an annoyance to the whole of Slytherin as the year drew to an end.

And quite frankly, Orion was sick of it. He knew he'd have to be patient but he was beginning to plot the death of the bloody wonder boy. Said boy wasn't even the true boy who lived! Not that the Black heir actually gave a flying fucksicle, why would he? He had enough fame as it was being the prodigy Black heir, the perfect pureblood Slytherin.

The summer came and went, there had been a ball on the day of the summer solstice about a month before school had ended. And then a fair few ones in the holidays, celebrating pureblood heir's and heiress' birthdays. There had been a large one for John Potter, Neville Longbottom and an even grander one for Orion.

John's one had been full of muggleborns, half bloods and ministry officials, of course the ones that sucked up to the light side and Dumbledoor. The ball seemed to have been more of a political move in the darks eyes then anything, whilst Neville and Orions was purely for their birthdays, though the ministry officials that were on the dark side came too. But they merely wished the boys happy birthday before leaving to talk to other guests.

Another thing the wizarding world was going nuts about was that the younger sibling of the boy who lived would be attending Hogwarts in September. Jasmine Potter was to attend the 'prestigious' magical school in Scotland in September.

Orion and Draco had actually bumped into her in diagon alley when they were all getting their school supplies. The red haired girl was no where near as insufferable as her elder brother and she made sure everyone knew it. She went out of her way to be kind to Slytherins, making them realise she wasn't as bad. And she was even rooting for being sorted into a different house other than Gryffindor. She wanted to be out of her brothers shadow.

John of course hated the attention his baby sister was getting and made sure to play cruel pranks on her but any attempts were futile. Jasmine was like the younger version of her mother, formidable with her wand and with a blazing temper that often got her into trouble. Hopefully she wouldn't turn out as petty as Lily Potter had.

Though it seemed unlikely seeing as Jasmine despised John, she had blatantly told Orion that he was nicer to her than John was for merlins sake! So the Slytherins decided that they'd take her under their wing and protect her from John's cruelness.

And when September first came, she thrived under all her new friends attention. Orion, Theo and Draco became like the overprotective brothers she'd always wanted and Bailey the older sister she'd never had. Though, she'd taken a shine to Blaise. It was obvious to the others that she had a huge crush on the older boy, but Blaise and her were the only ones who didn't notice it.

They weren't very subtle either, always practically making heart eyes when looking at each other and when one of them smiled, the bothered would go all gooey.

It disgusted the Slytherins when they went all gooey and mushy with each other, especially as they didn't even notice!

Draco would often catch them staring at each other and would use the time to charm their hair different colours and transfigure their water goblets into frogs. The others found it all too amusing.

So yes, perhaps Jasmine Potter was all that bad.

——-end of chapter———

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