Chapter 12

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Third POV:

Orion was convinced by Draco and the Nott twins to go with him to fetch the stone. Blaise agreed to cover for them if anybody came asking and so did Daphne and Pansy.

When they reached the third floor corridor, Draco gently opened the door before Orion went to conjure a harp to play, whilst they got down the trap door, but suddenly Fluffy jumped up and the middle head of the Cerberus licker his face.

"Fluffy!" Orion screeched indignantly.

The other three laughed at his predicament before he sent a scathing look their way, promptly shutting them up and making a note to never mention it again.

"Hey boy, mind letting my friends and I down?" Orion asked hopefully, although he knew the three headed dog would as he was the master of death and Cerberus' were the guards to the gates of hell.

The dog yipped happily and moved out of the way, making room for the four of them to get down the trap door.

Once they all hit the devils snare, Bailey shot an overpowered lumos at the plant, making it slither away not unlike a snake.

They all managed to land on their feet somehow once they'd fallen through the plant and into the room with the flying keys. Once Theo and Orion had pointed out that they were keys, Draco merely huffed before summoning the correct key with his wand.

"It's like they want us to get past!" He muttered, knowing that it was most likely a test for John Potter made by Dumbledore.

"Reckon it could keep the wonder boy away though, he'd probably wet himself if he caught sight of the Cerberus!" Theo sniggered and the others wholeheartedly agreed with the brown haired boy.

The chessboard was next but the four Slytherins really didn't feel like playing, so they all grabbed onto Orion's arms and let him shadow walk them to the other side. Next was the troll and as this time, Quirrelmort was yet to get past, it was still awake.

"Hey shadow walk us again won't you?!" Draco suggested, trying not to sound slightly frightened but that was hard when a huge mountain troll was in front of you.

Orion nodded and quickly held his arms out again, which were immediately taken hold off, before feeling around for the nearest shadow and allowing it to take them into the chamber that held the mirror of erised.

Orion quickly removed the stupid stone from the mirror without even bothering to look in it, knowing he would only see his reflection with Death by his side. His deepest desire was for the cycle of reincarnation to end, to allow him to finally rest and be at Deaths side as promised by the deity for when his finale life ended. He didn't care about all the power he had, he just wished to be at peace with Death once more (he always got a little bit of time with Death after each of his lives ended).

Once he'd retrieved the stone, he shadow walked the others back to the common room and they all thanked Blaise, Daphne and Pansy before bidding each other goodnight. For the first time in a long time, Orion fell asleep with tears streaks down his tired face.

>>>>>>>>>>>end of chapter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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