Chapter 7

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Third PoV:

Orion and the rest of the Slytherins made their way to McGonagall's classroom and entered to find a car sitting on the desk. Nobody but Orion knew it was actually McGonagall in her animagus form.

Orion smirked before strutting over to the desk and leaning on it.

"Afternoon Minnie, perhaps try moving about a little if you do not wish to be found out by other students before you show them the truth. Normal cats don't sit so stiffly," he winked at the flabbergasted feline before returning to his seat.

Everyone gave the grey eyed boy a weird look but he just shrugged them off before gracefully flopping down into the chair beside Draco.

"How did you know that was McGonagall Ori?" Draco asked confusedly.

Orion merely shrugged and turned to face the front of the classroom.

Eventually the loud Gryffindors flooded into the room just as the bell went off, indicating the start of class, and took their seats.

Orion noticed that Ronald Weasley and John Potter had yet to arrive and rolled his eyes.

Typical, he thought...hypocritically.

Finally, the two red heads came barrelling through the door and sniggering between themselves.

"We made it!" John exclaimed.

"Yeah can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?!" Ron laughed.

Clearly Minerva had had enough of the two prats and promptly transformed back into her human form before bustling over to the two gaping idiots.

"That was blood brilliant!" Ron breathed, hoping the compliment would distract her.

Clearly not, "why thank you for that assessment Mr Weasley, perhaps it would be more useful for me to transfigure one of you into a pocket watch? That way one of you might be on time!"

"We got lost," John muttered embarrassedly.

"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats?" Minerva said with a raised eyebrow.

Both the boys blushed and quickly found their seats behind Hermione Granger, who merely huffed at them.

The Slytherins all chuckled between themselves at the Gryffindors predicament, they really were idiots. Why didn't they just ask a prefect of teacher for directions beforehand?

The lesson was on turning a needle into a matchstick, something Orion had done thousands of times in his previous lives and was quite frankly fed up of doing. So he decided to change it up a bit and made the needle has intricate designs and engravings.

He put a handle on it, that was in the shape of a snake head and put loads of small but beautiful emeralds around the edge.

To put it lightly, Minerva was very impressed and awarded him 15 points for Slytherin.

After Orion, Draco, Daphne, Blaise and sadly the Granger know-it-all girl, got the spell right next. After them, Theo, Pansy, Bailey and a few of the lions got it.

Eventually everyone but Ron and John had managed it. McGonagall was disappointed that the Potter heir hadn't managed it as his father used to be her best student and his mother was also quite good at her subject.

Finally, Ron managed to turn his needle into a wooden needle but couldn't quite change the shape of pointyness of the object. John on the other hand literally didn't manage to change anything.

"So much for the wonder boy," Bailey snarked, rolling her eyes.

The Slytherins chuckled between themselves amusedly and even Minerva's lips quirked up in a slight grin.

'Well, at least young Orion possesses the same talent for transfiguration as his dear father Sirius did' she thought happily.

All in all, it was a very successful lesson for the snakes. They'd all managed to complete the task and embarrass John Potter whilst doing so!!

~end of chapter~

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