Chapter 26

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This is gonna be a short one and involving a large time jump but I really want to start wrapping up this book soon, probably within five or six chapters, less if possible.

Third pov:

At the end of his third year, Orion had gone with his mother and father to meet Aquila, who would be staying with them until school started up again, at the ministry. Her mother had elected to stay in France for the time being, being very busy with work and the like but promised that she'd visit soon.

The triwizard tournament was to be hosted at Hogwarts this year and Orion couldn't wait. He knew he wouldn't be elected this year as his deal with Riddle meant he wasn't being targeted but he had made the older man promise to enter John Potter into the event.

It was going to be hilarious.

Aquila had laughed herself silly when she'd caught wind of the plan, begging Orion to tell her more about the supposed saviour of the wizarding world. And he'd done just that, telling her stories of the pathetic John Potter, his lacking magical powers, his god awful whiny voice and his cowardice. He was no saviour and never would be.

Hence why it would be so funny to watch him scramble to save his own skin in the tournament with no help from his mummy and daddy this time.

Oh it may seem evil but then again, Orion supposed that after all his previous lives, it certainly wasn't the worst thing he'd ever done.

And Aquila? Oh she couldn't give a damn, she was a Black through and through. She thrived off of seeing the light side scared shitless, it made her cackle like her dear auntie Bella.

Ooo auntie Bella, they'd have to invite her along to watch...

————-end of chapter——————————

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