Chapter 9

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Orion's PoV:

Today is the first quidditch match of the season, Slytherin vs Gryffindor. Our house has won the quidditch cup for the past seven years and I intend to continue that streak.

"Aren't you even the slightest bit nervous Ori?" Draco asked from beside me.

I shook my head and shot my cousin/godbrother a small grin. I was so used to pre-quidditch nerves, that I no longer felt like I was going to explode and I could actually eat a proper breakfast for once (a light one of course).

"Nah Dray, I know we're going to absolutely thrash them!"

"I don't know Orion...their team is really good this year," he whispered.

I rolled my eyes, knowing that we were going to flatten the lions, even if their team was really good.



The Gryffindors shot out of their locker rooms, most on pretty rubbish brooms, except John of course. John had the nimbus 2000. The rest of them either had old cleansweeps or silver arrows.

Our entire team had very expensive brooms, either nimbus 2000's or the latest comet, the comet 290. Our team was also talented but nobody could beat the Gryffindor's beaters skill, the Weasley twins. Of course we would still win pretty easily but that's only because every single one of our plays had very good brooms and extreme skill in their positions.

"Black passes to Malfoy, who throws it back, he then passes to their captain, Marcus Flint. Flint back to Black, Black shoots and OH NO he scores...Slytherin 10 Gryffindor 0." I could hear Lee shouting over the roars of the energetic crowd.


After 10 minutes, the score was Slytherin 120 and Gryffindor 30. Miles Bletchley, our keeper was doing a commendable job at protecting the hoops.

I have a feeling Oliver may try and drown himself in the shower again, I thought wryly.

"COME ON HIGGS! GET THAT DAMN SNITCH WOULD YA?" I hollered to Terence, our seeker.

Suddenly I heard Lee pipe up again, this time with news that didn't benefit our team.


I threw the quaffle through the Gryffindor hoops, when Oliver was distracted by the announcement.

"BLACK SCORES AGAIN! 130 to 30!"

I could see my mum, dad, uncle Remus, aunt Claire, uncle Lucius and aunt Narcissa in the crowds cheering. And I could also see James and Lily eagerly watching their son.

I whipped my head around to watch John and I could see how close he was to the snitch.

Ah ah that's not happening...

I flew over to Rolf and held my hand out for his beaters bat. I'd wanted to do what I was about to do for 11 very long years.

Rolf chuckled darkly as he realised what my plan was, before chucking it to me. I smirked evilly at him and shot off towards the nearest bludger. I raised my arm, bat held in a vice grip, and slammed the bat into the bludger. I made sure that none of the teachers who would care were looking before I did it.


The bludger flew at John, the idiot didn't even notice as he was to busy flying after the golden snitch.


The bludger slammed directly into John's shoulder, sending him spiralling to the floor. I made sure he wasn't too high from the floor, so that he didn't get seriously injured, probably just a dislocated shoulder and maybe a broken wrist. Of course I have would have loved to actually have killed him but I can't because I have no doubt I'd get the blame immediately from Dumblewhore.

"NO! YOU SLIMY SLYTHERINS! - LEE JORDAN! - sorry professor but it must of been one of them! - JOHN POTTER IS OUT OF THE GAME!"

Draco glanced at me with a knowing look, he hated the ponce as much as me so he was ecstatic that I did that.


The Slytherin stands went up in cheers and roars of happiness as the team circled each other, patting each other on the back. They then flew down to the ground and hopped off of their brooms before heading towards the stands to find their family/friends.

"Well done my fellow snakes!" Flint smirked.

"And well done Mr Black for that rather sly and cunning plan," a voice drawled.

I turned to find Snape with a satisfied and proud smirk and my parents and the malfoys with equally savage grins.

"Well done pup," my dad smiled, clapping his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks father," I replied.

"That was an amazing game baby!" My mother gushed, kissing my forehead and hugging me tightly. I could see the aunt Narcissa doing the same to Draco.

"Thank you mother."

All in all, it was a very successful game!


End of chapter!

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