Chapter 4

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Orion's PoV:

It's finally September 1st 1991, the day I leave for my first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  After receiving my letter, my parents and I went to Diagon Alley with the Malfoys and Notts to collect our equipment and robes. We all got our wands and pets too.

I got my trusty Phoenix feather wand again and made sure no one was looking, before removing the trace from it. Of course I'm adept at wandless magic as well but it's always nice to be able to use a wand too.

All of my friends know they'll be in Slytherin, as do I. Except a few of my friends like Neville, Susan, Hannah and Luna. Neville wants to be in Hufflepuff to prove his gran wrong about Hufflepuffs being where the weak wizards and witches to. Both Susan and Hannah want to be together but neither mind which house they're placed in but I already know they will join Neville in the house of badgers. They're far too loyal and hardworking to not be. Now Luna Lovegood is a short blond girl with silvery blue eyes, she's rather unique and different from others and I know she's been bullied and shunned for it. She's a year younger than me so she won't be attending Hogwarts this year sadly. She's rather friendly with Jasmine Potter, the sister of John. But unlike her older brother, Jasmine is quiet and kind but also pretty smart. I have a feeling she will be in Ravenclaw alongside Luna.

Bailey and I have gotten closer too, with our marriage contract we are allowed to date others before the age of 17 but after that we must marry when out of Hogwarts. But Bailey has already admitted to me that she doesn't really wish to date any others except her betrothed and I agreed with her, so the both of us decided to get to know each other even better.

I've met Bailey and Theo's father and grandfather plenty of times, you see their mother died when they were only about three or four, leaving them to be raised by Cantankerous (her husband) and his father Theodore I. Cantankerous is a rather bad tempered man as you can probably tell by his name but he is particularly amusing and is actually a good father. Theodore I is very cunning and often always finds a way to get what he wants. Bailey seems to have inherited her fathers humour and her grandfathers cunningness, whilst her twin brother Theodore II (Theo) is quiet but ambitious like their late mother.


Third PoV:

"You sure you have everything baby?" Lucia asked her son for the fifth time

Orion rolled his eyes and huffed, "yes mother! You've asked me five times now and I have answered the same thing every time."

Lucia's lips twitched in amusement before turning to her grinning husband.

"I can't believe our baby is leaving us for so long!" She said whilst wiping a fake tear away.

Sirius barked out a laugh before ruffling his sons dark hair. Orion's grey eyes narrowed at his parents, bringing his Occlumency shields up to stop himself from blushing in embarrassment. He knew they were trying to rile him up but he wasn't the master of death for nothing!

"Very funny mother, father."

They both laughed heartily at their nearly pouting son and wrapped their arms around him. No matter how much they teased him, they would miss him...or they would if they weren't going to see him at hogwarts.

That's right, they had both taken up teaching positions. Lucia was to be the new History of Magic teacher and Sirius was the new DADA teacher. Remus and Claire also taught at the school, both teaching ancient tunes together. They'd been teaching for two years now but this was the first time the Black lord and lady would be teaching.

Unfortunately, James and Lily Potter had also become teachers at the school too. James was the new flying instructor and Lily the muggle studies professor.

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