Chapter 28

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I am SO sorry about the long wait :(

I hope you enjoy!!

Also if anyone has any ideas on how to wrap up this story it would be GREATLY appreciated as I am unsure. :))

>>>>>>>third pov>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Orion grinned as he watched John Potter scream as the Hungarian horntail chased him. It was the most amusing sight he'd seen in a long time. Beside him, Draco and Theo were hunched over laughing so hard they could barely breathe.

Just as they thought it couldn't get any funnier. John fell from his broom into the spectator stands and landed directly on Severus and Minerva.

Orion's eyes widened, he really hadn't expected that and could only thank the deities that he hadn't done that in his own first life. He thinks Snape would have actually murdered him on the spot.

Draco and Theo actually fell to the floor beside him, wheezing in laughter so hard that no sound came out, their faces turning red from lack of air.

Across from them on the other side of the converted quidditch pitch was the other spectator stands where all the staff sat. And well...currently John Potter too.

"POTTER!" Snape roared as he flung the boy off of him, Minerva not far off his reaction as she too glared at the boy and used magic to get him out of the stands until he was hovering back over the old pitch.

But Snape wasn't done yet and so he decided to transfigure the boy into a giant slug, one with bright red tufts of hair on its head.

"OH MERLIN STOP IM GOING TO DIE FROM A BUSTED STOMACH IF THIS KEEPS UP!" Draco howled as he rolled around on the floor, Theo doing much the same.

"For fuck sake," Bailey groaned as she appeared behind Orion, linking arms with him, "why can't ANYTHING just go smoothly?"

Orion grinned once more, "Potter luck!"


After the shit show that was the first task, Orion was actually looking forward to the Yule Ball, usually grand social events weren't really his thing since becoming dear old Deathie's master (considering he'd been forced to attend HUNDREDS in many of his lives) but this time he had Bailey.

There was something about the Nott daughter that drew him in, to put it simply she was his other half. The missing piece. He didn't know where she'd been in all his previous lives but Merlin was he thankful for her. She kept him sane, calm and so, SO very happy.

It would be nice to spend another Yule with her even if it was a ball at Hogwarts this time. And of course spending time with his other friends and family was a plus too.

He could only shudder to imagine who John Potter would turn up to the ball with. Whoever it was, even if they were the most hideous ugly person Orion had ever encountered, he'd feel sorry for them regardless. To put up with John Potter was worse than three consecutive life sentences in Azkaban. Orion would know.


Orion smiled wider than he could ever remember as he watched his beautiful Bailey descend down the staircase. Her light brown hair was styled into an elegant up do with face framing pieces hanging out. Her hair was decorated with pure white snowflake pieces, made of some sort of glass charmed so it would act as both a protective charm and so they not break. Her dress was a gorgeous royal blue that flared at the hips with intricate black lace designs throughout. It was strapless and accentuated her waist perfectly. She looked truly like a deity herself.

This is how I envision her dress ^

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This is how I envision her dress ^

Orion himself wore black and royal blue dress robes with a longer outer cloak. He had donned a blue dress scarf to match both the cloak and royal blue patterns of his robes as well as his betrothed. The robe be wore had a high collar and was made of the finest of materials. The inside of his outer cloak was also a royal blue but was layered with protective charms, designed to keep the wearer safe from compulsions and offensive spells.

Orion's dress robes ^

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Orion's dress robes ^

"Bailey my look truly ethereal." Orion whispered in awe as she came to stand beside him.

Bailey's sweet face smiled lovingly up at him, her soft green eyes, the colour of sea glass, stared up at him with warmth and adoration. She was as enamoured with him as he with she.

"You say the kindest things my Star," she replied in kind, "you yourself look so beyond this world, as though you are some kind of deity. I am so lucky to call you mine my Star."

My Star, the endearment filled Orion with warmth, she hadn't called him that before but he found he adored the name. As she was his beautiful Bailey, he was her Star.

>>>>>>>>>end of chapter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I am SO sorry for the ridiculously long wait, I had the fattest writer's block and was seriously debating deleting both this book and master of the deities because I had no motivation for either of them. And because it has been SO long I kinda forgot how I was going to end either story so suggestions are a HUGE help!!!!

I have a rough idea how I wish to end this book but I'd still love your help too!!

I hope this chapter was to everyone's liking!

- B :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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