Chapter 1

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Orion's PoV:

As I am mentally thousands of years old, I do not feel the need to cry and instead allow my mother and father to actually get sufficient rest at night. It confuses both of them but I can tell they're grateful.

The brother bond with Draco was unexpected, it means we can talk telepathically and our magic works amazingly together. For instance if we were to be in a duel against an enemy, we'd be perfectly in sync.

Of course, Draco is only a few months old and doesn't have the capabilities to use the bond yet or even speak so the bond isn't used much unless I speak to him to try and comfort him when he is upset.

This life, I was granted with two amazing parents but I have to admit I favour my father Sirius. It's probably because he was there for me not matter what in my original life up until he died.

Being the Black heir came with a few pros and cons though. The pros being that I was rich, powerful, influential and feared by others. Being feared was a good thing if I was to go into Slytherin or politics as in the former, there is a hierarchy and I would get a place high up pretty quick due to my family being infamous dark and powerful wizards/witches. And it was also good for politics as the Blacks are the most powerful family in the sacred 28. The second are the Potters but the Malfoys are only just under them and with James marrying a muggleborn, he lowered the respect for the extremely pure line, meaning the Malfoys would soon overtake them and become the second most powerful.

The cons of being a Black meant the ministry were very suspicious of you being dark and evil. And the fact that the press were always following you everywhere, especially the Lord, Lady and Heir. They usually weren't as bad with the rest of the family.

I had already gained respect from several other pureblood families due to my extremely strong 'accidental' magic. I, being the dramatic human I am decided to show off a bit and release an enormous magical surge the second I was born. It blew out the windows and caused the curtains to set alight. It was recorded as the earliest bout of accidental magic in existence and the most powerful.

My mother and father were very proud of course, my father said I could use my power for amazing pranks. My mother on the other hand said I would grow up to be an amazing duellist. Neither are wrong if I have anything to do with it. I already know that I will be on the dark side of the war and will help Riddle get the stone in my first year.

On another note, I really REALLY hate John Potter. He's such a needy baby it's ridiculous! He cries whenever he's not getting attention and is extremely spoilt. Although that is rather hypocritical of me to say as I myself am pretty spoilt due to two very wealthy pureblood parents and godparents.

Unfortunately for me, John Potter is my god brother as my parents are his godparents. Thankfully James and Lily are not mine but rather the Malfoy's are.


Third PoV:

Three months after Orion was born, he decided that was the perfect time to say his first word. His father, Sirius, had just walked into the nursery to get his son ready for the day when Orion decided to be an incredibly advanced baby and call out to him.

"Dada!" He cooed after Sirius lifted him up.

Sirius was so shocked he nearly tripped down the stairs as he made his way to the kitchen, son in arms.

"Luc did you hear that?!" Sirius asked his wife, who looked equally shocked from her place at the bottom of the stairs.

"Did he just say dada?!"

"Dada! Mama!" Orion squealed.

"Oh merlin, I have to firecall Cissa, Lily, Claire and Alice! They'll be thrilled!" Lucia gushed.

"Are you sure you just don't want to show off the fact that our son is the most advanced and powerful out of the three babies?" Sirius smirked, although he knew he'd brag to James, Remus, Peter, Lucius and Frank later.

"Oh hush you!" Lucia laughed before taking Orion out of Sirius' arms and walking into the kitchen.


Christmas 1980

Sirius: 21
Lucia: 21
James: 20
Lily: 20
Remus: 20
Claire: 20
Lucius: 27
Narcissa: 26
Draco: seven months
Neville: nearly six months
John: nearly six months
Orion: nearly six months

Third PoV:

For Christmas/Yule, they decided have a get together at Black Manor. The people there were:
Sirius, Lucia, Orion, the Potters, the malfoys, the lupins and the Longbottoms.

By now, only Orion and Draco had spoken but the latter only said a few words whereas Orion could say two or three at a time.

The babies features had either developed more or become more predominant over the months. Dracos hair had turned from bright blonde to a platinum blonde and his eyes had settled to the trademark ice grey of the blacks, seeing as his mother is one. Nevilles face had become slightly chubbier and hair slightly darker. John's hair got slightly darker too and his hazel eyes become more of a muddy brown. And finally Orion, his hair had become more like the rest of the Blacks by being wavier and darker and his eyes that were already an ice grey now seemed to glow with power.

As of now, the four babies were inside a padded playpen together. Draco and Orion were able to sit up though Neville could do it with help. John just laid there like a flipped turtle.

'Dwaco!" Orion said through their telepathic connection.

'Ori!" Draco replied happily looking at his honorary brother.

Orion turned to look at Draco and waved his hand, childishly giggling as he did so. To which Draco returned.

The adults were watching this exchange intently.

"Do you think they've figured out how to use their telepathic connection?" Claire asked curiously.

"Perhaps," James replied.

"I just cannot fathom, for the life of me, how young Orion is so advanced! It's remarkable honestly!" Narcissa exclaimed, proud of her godson.

Sirius and Lucia smirked proudly towards their friends...and perhaps a little arrogantly. But in all fairness, they're heir was a very special human. And they would never realise the true depths of his uniqueness.


- how was the first chapter?
- sorry for any typos or errors!

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