'Who were you talking to!'

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Swan House
Harley's Room - Afternoon

Laughter can be heard from inside the room with a multi coloured door. We can see Harley laying on her bed, head propped up by her hand and looking at her computer. A large smile is stretched across her face, her legs kicking back and forth, she looks to be relaxed and happy.

"I miss you guys soooo much! It feels like I haven't seen ya in ages." Harley exclaims, Emmett and Rosalie are seen smiling back at her on the computer. Rosalie let's out a small giggle at Harley's words.

"Don't worry hun, we will come down for a visit soon. We miss you as well." Emmett nods in agreement.

"Yeah, and once graduation hits, we will sweep you off your feet and take you on an adventure of a lifetime with just you, Rose and I. How does that sound Buttercup?" Harley let's out a squeal of excitement.

'I can't wait, it's gonna be so much fun!" Harley suddenly let's out a hum. "When do you think you're gonna come down, I gotta tell dad so we can prepare what I need to say if Bella asks what I'm doing?"

"Maybe in a couple of weeks." Rose pauses for a second. "Don't know as of yet but when it gets closer one of us will call to let you know. Harley nods in acknowledgement at Rose's words, Rose letsa small sigh. "I don't really care but how is Bella doing? Is she at least moving on or is she still acting like a zombie?"

Harley let's out a huge dramatic sigh at this. "She looks to be getting better, but now she's mostly angry and mean all the time, especially towards me. I don't know if it's just because she wants to take out her feelings on somebody and I was the closest person to do it to or if it was something I did personally."

Emmett let's out a huff with a disappointed look. "Harley, don't let her be mean to you. You gotta step up and put a stop to it, if you let it go on then it's just gonna get worse to the point where you may get hurt because of something she's mad about." Rose mods in agreement.

"He's right sweetheart, which is a first." Emmett let's out a 'hey' at her words but Rose keeps on going. "You can't let her keep punching you around, you need to tell your dad what's going on so he can do something about it cause from the looks of it she needs help."

Herley nods tiredly. "Okay, if she does anything else I will do something about it." They both nod at this.

"Good." Rose pauses for a second before adding. "If she does anything like hit you or says anything that's hurtful to you, you will tell us no matter if it will make us angry or upset. Okay?"

Harley hesitantly agrees, Rose sighs in relief.

"How's the voice's going buttercup?" Emmett asks, changing the subject. Harley smiles back.

"They aren't bothering me that much puddin, from time to time they do get violent but at least not all the time." Rose smiles back.

"And how are your friends in La Push going?" Harleys sits up quickly, crossing her legs on her bed and smiles to them brightly.

"They are great! They are sooooo much fun and Emily, who's Sam's Fiance, makes delicious cupcakes that are ta die for!" The couple on the computer laugh at this exclamation.

"We're glad you're alright buttercup." Harley smiles at Emmett, he suddenly let's out a sigh. "We should let you go, you need to do your homework."

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