'So You're The Vampire Girl'

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Emily and Sam's House

Bella's truck, driven by Embry, pulls up to a tiny, weathered house with a window box full of marigolds. Jared, in the back with Harley, jumps out and goes to open Bella's door. Jared moves back a little when Bella swings her door open angrily. He shrugs at her behaviour.

Embry hops out of the truck and opens the backdoor on Harley's side. She quickly hops out and hugs Embry tightly, squealing.

"You are such a gentleman." She pulls back and squeezes his cheeks. "That is so adorable, any girl, or guy I don't judge, would be lucky to have you." He chuckles and gently takes her hands off his cheeks.

"Calm down Harley, let's go inside first so I can eat before going all crazy on me." Harley smiles brightly before facing the house and squealing again.

"This house is so adorable." Jared snorts jokingly, having gone around the truck to stand with them leaving Bella to her angry self.

"You just saw it not long ago." Harley pushes his shoulder with her hand, he pretends to get hurt from said push.

"Shut up." He throws his arm over her shoulder and leads her to the house with Embry not far behind. Bella watches angrily at the scene, not moving from her spot. Harley wasn't suppose to know what Jake and the others were, only she was. She wasn't happy about it at all.

The boys look back towards Bella, Embry faces Jared in triumph. "Pay up. She didn't puke." Jared, annoyed, hands Embry five bucks. "Told you she was tough. She does run with bloodsuckers." Harley pinches Embry's arm at his comment.

"Don't be mean." She pauses, thinking before her eyes widen. "Wait." She looks between the two in shock. "You guys know what the Cullen's are?!"

They nod their head. "Yeah." She let's out a breath.

"Okay, I shouldn't be surprised with you guys being doggies and those stories I remember hearing about. With you guys being enemies with them." No one speaks for a second before Bella's voice calls behind them, not having moved from her spot.

"Wait. We should go back, make sure Jacob's okay." Harley looks between the two, now her face filled with worry.

"Will both Paul and Jacob be okay?" Jared squeezes her shoulder lightly.

"They will be fine." He looks to Embry with a smirk. "I hope Paul gets some teeth in him. Serve him right."

Embry scoffs. "No way. Jake's a natural. You see him phase on the fly? I gotta fiver says Paul doesn't touch him."

"Easy money. Paul's been at it longer." Harley laughs, shaking her head at their antics.

"You boys with ya betting." The boys look back and realize Bella was still standing next to the truck. Embry gives her a strained smile.

"Come on in. We won't bite." Jared scoffs, walking into the house with Harley at his side.

"Speak for yourself."

Bella warily joins Embry, not comfortable with being around the wolves just yet. Embry pauses at the door.

"Oh, hey. About Emily, Sam's fiancé, just try not to stare. It bugs Sam." Bella looks to him, confused. Not understanding why she would stare.

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