'What Are You?'

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Forks Hospital

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Forks Hospital

The double doors burst open as Charlie runs in, face white with terror. He spots Bella sitting on a gurney, Harley next to her holding her hand.

On the next gurney over, Tyler, lies with a mild head wound. Charlie rushes up to the twins.

"Bells. Harley. Are you alright?"

Bella tries to calm down her dad. "I'm fine, dad. Calm down. And Harley wasn't anywhere near the accident."

Tyler starts apologising "I'm so sorry, Bella. I tried to stop."

Bella gives Tyler a small smile. "It's okay, Tyler." Harley glares towards Bella.

"He almost killed you!"

Charlie nods in agreement with his daughter. "Exactly and It sure as hell is not okay."

Bella starts to whine. "Dad, it's not his fault."

Charlie sternly cuts her off. "We nearly lost you." Harley nods hastily, tears starting to build up.

"But you didn't." Harley hugs Bella's arm tightly, afraid to let go. Charlie glares at Tyler.

"You can kiss your license goodbye."

"I heard the Chief's daughter was here."

They look up as Dr. Carlisle Cullen, mid 30's, approaches, Harley stares at him with wide eyes.

"Wow" Bella looks to Harley and smacks her arm, Harley turns to her with a sheepish smile. Dr. Cullen Chuckles.

Charlie greets him. "Good. Dr. Cullen."

Dr. Cullen talks to the E.R. Doctor. "I've got this one, Jackie." The E.R. Doctor hands Dr. Cullen the chart. Dr. Cullen reviews her chart, then feels the back of her head.

" You have a nice knot growing back there, but your x-rays show no indication of concussion."

"That's good, don't need you dying anytime soon Cupcake." Bella gives a small laugh at Harley's comment.

"I'm so sorry, Bella. I'm really-" Charlie abruptly pulls the curtain between them. Harley holds up her hand and high fives Charlie.

Bella gets an idea. "It would have been a lot worse if Edward hadn't knocked me out of the way."

Charlie looks to Dr. Cullen. "Edward? Your boy?" Harley nods in agreement.

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