'Prom Night!'

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Swan House
Twin's Room - Day

Harley shoots up from her bed, her hair sits crazily on her head, blue and pink going everywhere. Banging can be heard, Charlie calling through the door that his bangs on.

"Harley! Get up. Bella's in the hospital." Harley groans and flops back onto her bed.


Hospital Room

Bella lies in a hospital bed. Bandaged, leg in a cast. In bad shape. Rene hovers over her, tears in her eyes. Harley stands next to her, falling asleep on her shoulder. On the dresser, there are get well cards and a Photo Montage of her sister and friends from Forks.

Bella starts to wake, she looks around and starts to get worried. "Edward? Where's-"

Rene quickly calms her. "He's asleep." She nods across the room to a chair in which Edward 'sleeps'. "He never leaves. And your dad's down in the cafeteria."

"What... happened?"

Harley quickly straightens up, a mischievous smile crosses her face. "You fell out a window."

Rene sighs and shakes her head at Harley before looking to Bella in sympathy. "Baby, you fell down two flights of stairs and through a window." Bella is drawing a blank, confused. Rene jogs her memory. "Edward came here to convince you to come back to Forks. His father brought him down. You went to their hotel but you tripped on the stairs." A moment passes then Bella realises it's a cover story. She nods.

"Sounds like me." Rene's cell phone beeps. She opens it. Reads a text, starts typing in a reply. Harley looks down at Bella's phone with surprise.

"It's Phil."

Bella looks to Rene with confusion. "Mum, you're... texting."

Rene starts smiling. "I told him to stay in Florida. The Suns signed him!"

Harley lets out a squeal. "Oh my Gosh!"

Bella smiles. "That's great, mum."

"Harley will be staying with your dad but Jacksonville is always sunny and you'll have your own bathroom..."

Bella stops her. "Mum, wait. I want to live in Forks. I have Dad... Harley... and friends..."

Rene looks to Edward pointedly. "And he's there." Bella shrugs, conceding the truth. "Charlie doesn't like him. Blames him for your leaving."

Bella looks to Rene questioningly. "What do you think?"

Harley talks before Rene does. "I think he is annoying and too broody."

Rene slaps Harley's shoulder before lowering her voice. "I think that boy is in love with you." Bella smiles. Rene grins. Bella glances at Edward.

"Um, Mum, would you mind getting Dad? I want to talk to him. Apologise."

"I'm sure he doesn't care about that, Baby. But I'll go get him." Rene kisses Bella's forehead. Exits. Bella watches her go. The door shutting behind her. Bella turns to Harley, who continues to stand and look around the room.


She cuts Bella off. "Don't worry about it, it's in the past. Dontcha think?"

Bella smiles, uncomfortable with her smile. "Yeah."

Harley claps her hands loudly. "Welp, Imma go now, and leave with Rose and Emmett." She waves at Bella. "See ya!" Harley skips out of the room with Bella watching her go. She turns back to find Edward standing next to her with deep concern. Her eyes well. He kisses her forehead soothingly.

"Is James - did you?"

"We took care of him. And the woman, Victoria, she ran off." She closes her eyes with relief, then looks at him.

"I'm alive because of you."

Edwards face darkens. "You're in here because of me." He strokes her face. "The worst of it... was thinking I couldn't stop-"

She cuts him off. "But you did."

"Bella, you should go to Jacksonville. Where I can't hurt you anymore..."

Bella looks to him with shock and her breath starts to quicken. "What? No! I want to be with you! I don't want-"

Edward sits next to her. "Ssh. It's alright. I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here..." He wraps an arm around her. As she curls up in his arms...


Swan's House
Late Afternoon

Emmett, Rosalie and Charlie stand at the bottom of the stairs, Edward stands little ways behind. The former three talking amongst themselves until a throat is cleared from the top of the stairs. They look up to see Harley smiling brightly down at them. She twirls around in her Prom dress.

"How do I look? Pumpkin? Puddin?"

Emmett smirks up at her. "You are rockin that dress Buttercup."

She lets out a squeal before looking to Rosalie. She smiles up at her warmly. "You look gorgeous."

Harley skips down the stairs and looks to Charlie who looks about to cry but holds them in. "Beautiful hun." Harley kisses his cheek and hugs him tightly.

"Thanks Dad."

She turns and loops her arms with Rose's. "Lets go!" She pulls Rose out of the house, she lets out a laugh at how eager Harley is. Emmett looks to Charlie with a smirk.

"Don't worry Chief, we'll look after her." He walks out and Edward comes to stand with Charlie. Emmett gets into the car and starts it up. Harley kisses his cheek.

"Let's do this Puddin!" He laughs and drives off. Speeding away once away from the house.


Harley's Prom Dress

Disclaimer- I do not own Twilight or Harley Quinn, I do however own her story lines, so please don't steal or copy

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Disclaimer- I do not own Twilight or Harley Quinn, I do however own her story lines, so please don't steal or copy. Thank you.

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