'The One And Only Harley Swan!'

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Volterra Streets

Jane leads Edward, Bella, Harley and Alice through several narrow, dark alleys. Felix and Demetri bring up the rear. Edward never loosens his grip on Bella's hand which Harley rolls her eyes at.

Their path dead ends at a wall of brick. Jane just strides forward and, without breaking pace drops down into an open hole in the street; it's a drain. Alice follows Jane. Harley strides forward next and looks down. She shrugs before stepping forward into the hole, letting a squeal as she goes down. You can hear her laugh as Alice catches her and her voice echoing up to them.

"What a ride!" Bella huffs and looks down with a nervous gulp, sees nothing but blackness.

"It's alright. Alice will catch you." Edward takes her wrists, dangles her over the hole. As she drops through the darkness, Bella is caught by Alice. Edward lands beside them, then Felix and Demetri.

Edward pulls Bella close as they follow Jane through the sewer, Harley skipping alongside Jane with Alice a few steps behind her. Finally, they reach a folding iron Elevator door. Jane easily pulls it aside. They all enter.


Volturi Headquarters

As the door clangs shut on them, they all exit into an elegantly decorated space with old world charm. They're greeted politely by Gianna, an attractive human receptionist.

"Buon pomeriggio."

Harley waves at her before continuing on their way. They head through the lobby to the long corridor. Finally, they reach the carved double doors which open. Bella, Edward and Alice enter to face the three ancients: Aro, Marcus, Caius. Eight Volturi Guards (including Jane, Felix, Demetri) line the walls in a variety of modern dark overcoats. Harley looks around at the room and let's out an impressed whistle.

Aro rises, greets them like old friends, taking Edward's hand and shaking it.

"What a happy surprise! Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful?" Caius responds with a sour expression. Marcus could care less. Aro doesn't release Edward's hand, looks at him. "Her blood appeals to you so much it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?"

"It's not without effort." Harley scoffs at this. Aro looks at her curiously.

"You must be Harley." She nods with a large smile.

"That's me, the one and only Harley Swan!" He chuckles and holds out his hand towards her.

"The names Aro, my dear." She grabs his hand to shake, as she goes to let go he tightens his hand and she looks to him questioningly. "You don't agree with Edward?"

"With all the drama from the beginning with those two, I think there is a lot of effort when it comes to their relationship." Edward and Bella glare at her at the comment as Aro hums, he continues to look through her thoughts.

"Yes, definitely some drama." He let go of her hand with a smile. "You my dear, are quite an interesting human. It's like there is more than one person inside your head with memories that have different points of views. Very interesting and beautiful indeed."

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