'We Will Be Watching'

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Swan House
Bella's Room - Night

The night was silent and still, we can see Bella passing back and forth inside her room as everyone else in the house was asleep. She wasn't happy with the way things were going. She thought once both her and Edward were back together, everything would fall into place and she would be immortal but to then have it all taken away by Diana the moment Edward laid eyes on her.

She wanted Diana gone by any means possible but with the way she is now, that would be impossible. She had thought of going to the Wolf pack and having them get rid of her, and she did go to them and tried to make them do it, but Harley had them wrapped around her pinky as she told them that Diana was no threat and saw no need to eliminate her.

If only she went to them first instead of trying to spend time with Edward when they first came back but she needed to keep Diana away from her man. Harley was another problem of hers as well, her twin had everyone against her. She wanted to get rid of her but that meant facing Emmett and Rosalie's wrath, which she didn't want.

She was lucky enough Harley hadn't said anything to them about what she put Harley through, and she put her through a lot of things during the period they have been gone, but soon enough they will find out and she didn't want to be human when they did. As she kept pacing back and forth, she didn't see her window open slowly and two figures entered her room.

The figures watch her for a moment, anger could be seen in their bright gold eyes that start to go darker the longer they look at her. They were definitely not happy with her. They had decided to wait until everyone was asleep before confronting Bella, wanting to hurt her the way she hurt their mate.

Bella stopped pacing for a moment, clearly in deep thought. With an angry huff, she turns towards the window and nearly let's out a scream but is stopped when a hand places itself onto her mouth. A strong arm is wrapped around her arms and middle to keep her from moving, then a voice talks softly into her ear.

"Don't make a sound unless you want me to break an arm." She nods quickly, not wanting the voice to go through with their threat. The hand moves from her mouth as her eyes land onto the figure standing a few feet in front of her.

"Rosalie?" Rose sneers at her in anger and disgust. The figure behind Bella moves to stand next to the vampire and she sees that it was Emmett who was keeping her quiet. "Emmett? What are you doing here?" She asks, now getting nervous at seeing the two of them. Hoping that they aren't here for what she thinks they're here for.

"You know..." Rosalie starts to move around her room, seemingly to look at everything in disgust. "Harley told us a little story about you. Interesting to hear what you have been getting up to whilst we were gone, what you had put Harley through." Bella gulps at this.

"I don't know what you are going on about." Emmett chuckles darkly, starting to move slowly towards her like a predator stalking its prey.

"Really, so you didn't try to spread nasty rumors about her or pinch her so hard that it made her bleed." Now Rose was starting to move towards her as well.

"Or the time you tried to slap her when she didn't do as you say."

"Or the time you used her as a shield when a shapeshifter changed in front of you two."

"Or the time you pushed her into the arms of a hungry vampire!" The couple say together, a dangerous growl erupting from their throats. Their eyes now completely black.

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