'That Was Cruel'

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Swan's House- Living Room

Charlie watches a baseball game on T.V., Harley is coming down the stairs as the door suddenly bursts open to reveal Bella, crying, and Edward, devastated.

"I said, leave me alone!"

"Bella, don't do this. Just think about it, please-"

"Get out! It's over." She slams the door. Charlie has risen, baffled, concerned. Harley stays still on the stairs, staring towards Bella and the door in shock.

"Bella? What happened?"

"I have to get out of this place. Out of Forks. I'm leaving. Now." Bella runs upstairs, pushing Harley out of the way and into the wall, she winces at this. Charlie hurries after her, looking to Harley in concern, she nods in reassurance and he continues up.


Twin's Bedroom

Bella slams the door behind her. Edward's already there, pulling things from her drawers and shoving them into a duffle faster than humanly possible. Bella leans against the door.

Bella talks to him in a pained whisper. "I can't hurt him." Edward gives her a look, 'you have to'. There's a knock. Charlie on the other side with Harley next to him, rubbing her hurt shoulder. It's agony for all three of them.

"Bells. Did he hurt you?"

"No, Dad."

Harley cuts in next. "Did he break up with you? If so than I can whack him with my bat."

Bella rolls her eyes, not that they can see. "I broke up with him."

"I thought you liked him?" Charlie asks, looking to Harley confused, she in return.

"That's why I have to leave. I don't want this. I want to go home."

Edward whispers. "I'll be in the truck." And he disappears out the window. Bella gathers strength to continue her performance. She opens the door forcefully, hitting Harley in the face. She moves to lean in the wall and holds her nose, Charlie goes up to her to check her nose.

"Oww, that hurt."

Bella looks to them but doesn't say anything. Charlie sighs.

"Just a bruising, you'll be fine."

Harley sighs in relief. "Thank god for that."

He chuckles before following Bella around, Harley just keeps away, not wanting to get hurt again. Bella charges down the stairs with Charlie right behind her.

"Your mother's not even in Phoenix."

"She'll come home. I'll call her from the road."

Charlie scoffs. "You can't drive home now. I'll take you to the airport in the morning."

"I want to drive. I need time to think. I'll pull into a motel in a few hours. I promise."

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