'I Love You'

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Mountain Peak

Snow falls in earnest now, glacial winds blow, both boys set Harley and Bella down. They hurry to the left side of the peak to find a campsite erected against the sheltering face of the peak. Edward stands by the tent pacing, waiting. He stops when he sees them.

Harlye turns to Paul with a smile. "Thank you Sugar." Paul gives her a wink before taking off. She turns to Jacob, who still stands with them.

"Aren't you going as well?" Jacob shakes his head.

"No, I'm staying. You'll need my connection to the pack, to keep tabs on what's going on."

Bella looks to him, confused. "You're not going to fight?"

"Seth will spell me in the morning. He's not happy about missing the action, but it'll keep him out of trouble." Bella nods, she could see he would rather have not answered her. Edward looks to the two girls and nods his head towards the tent.

"Let's get you two inside."


Tent - Night

Snow blows sideways as the wind batters the tent. A lantern burns. Harley's wrapped in her down sleeping bag, fully dressed. But her teeth still rattle. It's that cold. Bella's the same.

"I should have chosen a site lower down." Harley tries to give him a smirk but her rattling teeth are making it difficult to do it.

"Maybe we shoulda brought a heater or somethin' but we'll be fine though. We're tough cookies."

The entrance to the tent opens and Jacob crawls in.

"I'm not able to get any sleep with all the teeth rattling." Harley gives him a smile.

"Sorry Gumdrop. I'll try ta be quieter." He snorts before squeezing between the two girls.

"Move over crazy. Let me get in there." Edward raises a brow at his actions.

"What are you doing?"

"They can use me as their own personal heater." He looks to Edward with a cheeky smirk.

"Unless you want to explain to her mates about why she's a popsicle in the morning." Edward huffs but doesn't say anymore on the subject, Harley turns towards Jacob and hugs his body, letting out a content sigh before sleep consumes her.


Clearing in the woods

It's quiet, nothing in sight. It was as if the world was frozen in time when suddenly the whole newborn army appeared out of the woods and into the field. We can see the frenzy in their eyes. They are rabid with thirst as they follow the scent of Bella and Harley's blood. But the scent trail ends here. They're confused.

Suddenly something bolts from the trees with lightning speed and tackles a newborn. The other newborns spin to find a lethal-looking Jasper in a crouch beside his victim's body.

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