'Where's Bella!'

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Swan House - Night

It's been a few hours since Harley's boyfriend and girlfriend left, a few hours since the Cullens disappeared, a few hours since she heard Bella's truck but not hear her enter the house. She was confused at first but then realised that Bella and Edward were talking about him leaving, it's been a few hours since then. Now she was just plain worried, she tried calling but her twin didn't pick up, deciding now was the time to call Charlie. Calling him about her worries.

Now, outside standing the freezing cold air. Harley stood by her father who had called in half the town for a search party, even though they had been fighting lately, she didn't want her twin to be missing or worse, dead. Billy and another of Charlie's friends, Harry Clearwater surrounded her father's bonnet that held a map of town. Jacob stood next to her, arms wrapped around, trying to warm her up from the cold.

"I'll call the Cullens again. Her note said she and Edward went for a walk."

Billy sighs, looking to Charlie. Trying to hide his happiness and relief. "They left town, Charlie."

"Hospital said Doc Cullen got a big job somewhere else." Harry puts a reassuring hand on Charlie's shoulder. "We'll find her, Charlie." Charlie is glad for the comfort of his two friends. Jacob looks towards the forest and sees Sam Uley carrying Bella. "Charlie!" Both Harley and Charlie spin to where Jacob points. Harley lets out a sigh of relief, happy that her sister was alive.

"It's Sam Uley. He found her." Charlie bolts to her; he's never moved faster in his life. He wraps his arms around Bella, lifting her from Sam's arms.

"Thank you, Sam. Thank God." Charlie carries Bella to the house, cradling her. Harley follows right after, wanting to see if she was okay, the voices getting louder, wanting to know what happened. Harry and Billy give Sam a nod of praise and gratitude. But Sam backs away, avoiding any accolades. Jacob, still outside, turns to see Sam staring at him. Jacob, uncomfortable, quickly looks away.

Charlie goes up the stairs to the house, Harley looking to Bella in concern, seeing her fragile state.

"What were you thinking, Baby? Why were you out there?"

"He's... gone." Bella mumbles out miserably, her hope of Edward turning her now gone.

Harley looks to her in shock, not realising how much his leaving had affected her but hopes that Bella quickly snaps out of it. Charlie walks into her room lays Bella down and wraps her in blankets... She's curled in a fetal position in the middle of the bed. Harley watches Charlie do this, feeling a little sorry for her, hoping the reason she was like this was that she missed Edward. Not realising that her reason was far away from the truth.


A Few Months Later

A few months had passed since the Cullens had left and Bella was still not showing signs of joining the real world. Harley had found it difficult during these months, but at least she wasn't acting like a zombie that just gave up with life as it is. All she would do was sit in her rocking chair, staring out the open window as it let in a cold breeze, Harley had tried to close it once as it was a really cold day but Bella had shouted at her and tried to hit her for doing it, so she never tried to close her window after that.

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