'A Late Night Visit'

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Twin's room

Harley paces back and forth in their room, mumbling under her breath quickly. Tear stains can still be seen from before. Some time has passed since Bella had left the house, her words still ringing in Harley's ears. She continues to pace until she feels a breeze. She stops, knowing that the window was closed. She slowly turns and sees the nomad, James standing tall, a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing here?" He chuckles and slowly walks around the room.

"I thought I come by and say hi." He stops. "You know, I was surprised to see you walk in here, like you belonged. Than you're scent comes flying in my direction, smelling similar but something extra added to it, ruining the scent." He speeds in front of her. "You are her sister, aren't you?"

She takes a small step back but continues to stand tall. "Maybe I am mista but what's it to ya."

He chuckles sadistically. "If I could, I would have killed you and taunted it in front of her face but I don't go after the third soulmate, even if their human." He goes to turn but stops. "You're lucky for being the important one, but you're sister isn't." As he is about to disappear, Harley talks.

"Wait!" He turns to face her slowly. "What about red?" He smirks.

"She may not kill you but she can still do other things." Harley picks up her bat that was leaning against her bed.

"I'll hit her with my bat if she comes for me."

He chuckles. "That won't stop her." He disappears. The window closed. She lets out a sigh of relief and looks around, putting her bat back on the ground.

"I may be upset with you cupcake but I hope you survive." She walks out of the room and down the stairs to where her father sits, watching TV. "Whatcha watching?"

He looks to her before looking back. "Some baseball." She nods and sits down, watching with him.


Harley lays in her bed, lights off and eyes about to close but there is a knock on the window. She sits up and looks, seeing Rosalie sitting on the tree that is outside the window. She quickly gets up and runs to the window, opening it for her. She steps back and Rosalie jumps in, she smiles at Harley but it slips away when she smells the room.

"He was here!"

Harley nods sheepishly. "Yeah." She looks up at Rosalie but her eyes widen at Rose's enraged face and quickly talks. "Don't worry, he didn't do anything! We just talked and that was it. Nothing else happened. I even threatened with my bat."

Rosalie lets out a breath but she still looks angry. "If that ever happens again, you call one of us right away. Okay?"
She nods. "Okay." Rose's face relaxes, her shoulders going down.

"Alright." She looks to Harley with a smile. "I hope everything, other than your encounter, was fine." She sees Harley's going sad but quickly changing to a smile, she narrows her eyes. "What is it?" Harley doesn't look her away, her eyes going around the room. "Don't even try to go around this. What's wrong?"

Harley sighs and opens her mouth.


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