'You Guys Sparkle! Thats Something I Have To See!'

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Waterfall Restaurant

She stops, a fork full of steak sits in front of her open mouth. She stares.

"Are you playing a prank on me by any chance?" Rosalie sighs.

"I know this is a lot to take in but we would never lie to you."

Harley nods, looking down at her half eaten steak. Suddenly she looks up with a wide smile. "Do you guys turn into bats! Cause if you do that would be cool!"

The couple laugh and shake their heads. Rosalie sighs with a small smile. "No, we don't turn into bats." Harley pouts.

"It would have been cool if you did." Emmett nods in agreement.

"I know right? Man I wish I was able to turn into one." Harley laughs.

"Are you guys like the same as the ones on Supernatural?"

They shake their heads. "Different." They answer at the same time.

"Well." Harley moves her plate to the corner of the table, puts her elbows on the table and lets her head lean on her hands. "What is it that makes you different from the vampires on Supernatural?"

The couple look to each other, Emmett nods to Rosalie to answer. Rosalie nods and turns back to Harley.

"Alright, first of all. You can't kill us by chopping our heads off." Harley nods. "The only way to kill us is by ripping us apart and burning the pieces." Harley leans closer, intrigued. "Second of all. We can't burn in the sun. We, Uh..... we actually sparkle."

Harley looks to them with wide eyes. "You guys sparkle." They nod. "You guys sparkle! Now that's something I have to see!" Harley says in eagerness.

Rosalie and Emmett chuckle. "Soon, when there is actual sun." Emmett says. Harley nods.

"Okay, back on topic." Harley's attention turns back to Rosalie. "Third of all, we don't drink blood from humans. We drink animal blood instead."

Harley face shows that she is shocked and awed. "So what you are saying is, you fight your own nature so you don't have kill innocents?" They nod. "Awesome."

Emmett let's out a laugh. "Well you are taking way easier than I expected." Harley gives him a sweet smile.

"Well, I knew something was going on with you guys. Something that wasn't natural, but I didn't care because you guys are my first best friends that I had in my life."

Emmett and Rosalie look to her in concern. "Really?"

Harley looks down. "Well, I wasn't exactly the first choice you would pick for anything. No one wanted to be with me because I was a bit too crazy or something like that for their tastes."

Rosalie reaches out and puts a hand onto Harley's arm. "Don't worry, we won't leave you."

Harley looks up with hope. "Really?" They nod and Harley's turns her frown to a full blown smile. "Awe  Puddin, Pumpkin! I won't leave you guys either."

"Now." Harley says seriously, the couple look to Harley with worry. "Why me? I hear about you guys never talking to people out of your family, but you guys talk to me. Why?"

Rosalie sighs. "The reason is, because you are our soul mate."

Harley looks to them in confusion. "Soul mate?"

Emmett nods. "Soul mate, you are the third part of our soul. The important one."

Harley gets an understanding look on her face. "That's why you guys are so affectionate to me."

Emmett smiles. "Basically, usually there are only two soul mates but three soul mates are rare that's why the third one is important. If anything would happen to you, let's just say it is not something you would want to see."

Harley nods. "Okay, I got it. I'm just happy that you told me." Harley stands from her seat. "I'm ready to go."

Rosalie looks to her in concern. "You okay? Was it something we said."

Harley shakes her head. "No, but I believe it's time for them to close up."

The couple look around and realise the three are the only one in the restaurant. Emmett gets a cheeky smile and claps his hands. "Well let's move it." The three leave.


Don't forget to check out my other book: The Crazy Life- Vampire Diaries and The Little's Swan.

Disclaimer- I do not own Twilight or Harley Quinn, I do however own her story lines, so please don't steal or copy. Thank you.

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