'Damn, Embry Grew Up'

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Swan House
Harley's Room - Night

Everything was quiet, not a sound could be heard. Harley slept in her bed, her face rests in a peaceful expression. A scream is suddenly heard and Harley bolts up, heart racing, she looks around until still in a sleep like state. She looks to her open door to see Charlie walking by, realisation hits her, knowing that it was Bella who let out that scream. Harley let out a tired sigh, everyday became more exhausting for her because of Bella, rarely getting any proper sleep and having trouble falling back asleep when she woke up from the screaming.

She was tired of this, waking up to the dreams, getting the end of her anger for no apparent reason and not being able to spend time with Jake cause he would pay more attention to Bella, his crush. Harley let a hand go through her bed hair, letting out another sigh before falling back onto her pillow, she wished Emmett and Rose were here. She was just happy to have made friends with Paul and his friends, they had been welcoming to her when Paul introduced her to them.

She didn't feel all alone now because of him, she used to be able to rely on Bella for company but that wasn't the case anymore, during Bella's comatose state, she had Jacob and his two friends but that disappeared because of Bella, and with Emmett and Rose on vacation until after graduation with the occasional facetime and phone calls, she was pretty lonely. With Charlie also having his entire focus on Bella, she was just happy that Paul and his friends wanted to hang out with her, heck they even liked her and not just tolerated her because she was just there.

She closed her eyes when she saw Charlie going back to his room, she knew she wouldn't be going to sleep anytime soon but tried to anyway.


Bella's Truck
Next Day

Bella drives along the La Push cliffs. Jacob rides shotgun and Harley sits between them. Harley is humming to herself, wishing there was some music on so it would distract her, Jacob studies a grease-blackened motorcycle crankshaft.

"We got lucky at the dump. You know how much a new crankshaft goes for?"

Harley's lips quirk at the side. "It must cost a lot then?" Jacob nods seriously.

"Definitely." Bella let's out a quiet huff.

"Sure, I spend all my free time on crankshaft-dot-com." Harley frowns.

"Why does that sound weird?" Jacob chuckles.

"I think that's a porn site." Harley let's out a laugh, Jacob laughing along with her. Bella glares, hating how easy their relationship was. "These bikes are gonna to be rolling soon. Where should we ride first?"

"Someplace sunny, there's one above the cloud line-." Bella stops herself from finishing that sentence. Harley scoffs at her answer.

"I doubt in a place like this." She uses her hands to show the outside world. "There will be a sunny place." Jacob shakes his head at her.

"C'mon Harley, let's hear where Bella suggests." He looks across Harley towards Bella, who has an angry scowl on her face. "Where is it?"

"Actually, it's ... too hard to get to." Bella says instead, not wanting to share her and Edwards' place to anyone, especially Harley.

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