'Is My Sister Trying To Flirt?'

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La Push

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La Push

It's freezing, but Mike, Tyler, Jessica and others suit up for a surf. Eric hangs with them. Bella wanders by the driftwood with Angela, who takes photographs. Harley sits at the beach, a large jacket wrapped around her for warmth. She is able to hear Bella and Angela's conversation.

"I keep thinking Eric's going to ask me to prom, then he just... doesn't."

"You could ask him." Bella looks over to Angela's flustered look, and talks to her encouragingly. "Take control. You're a strong independent woman."

"I am?"

"Bella! Harley!" The twins look up to see three Quileute boys approaching the group. Bella smiles at Jacob. Harley waves.

"Guys, this is Jacob. Are you stalking us?"

Jacob chuckles. "You're on my rez, remember? You surfing?"

"Definitely not."

Harley scoffs. "I'm not that crazy."

Jessica talks teasingly. "Keep her company. Her date bailed. And Harley's friends bailed." Harley glares.

Eric looks to her, confused. "What date?"

"She invited Edward. And Harley invited Rosalie and Emmett."

Harley talks to her threateningly. "I'm gonna-" she gets cut off when Bella puts a hand over her mouth.

Bella glares down at Harley before looking to them embarrassed. "To be polite."

Angela tries to help them out. "I think it's nice they invited them. No one ever does."

Mike snickers. "Because Cullen's a freak." Harley turns her glare to Mike.

"You got that right." One of the Quileute, Sam Uley, says.

Harley raises an eyebrow at him, she removes Bella's hand from her face and talks. "You know them?"

Sam looks to her sharply. "The Cullens don't come here." Jacob shoots Sam a look, shakes his head. Bella registers this. A beat, then she casually pulls Jacob aside. Harley looks to them in confusion, before shrugging and tagging along.


Bella, Harley and Jacob wander near the water, looking out to sea for whales. The surfers are out on the waves. Bella nudges him, continuing her attempt at flirtation...

"So, what did your friend mean about the Cullens not coming here?"

"Oops. Caught that, huh?" He moves closer to her, lowering his voice for mock-secrecy. "I'm not supposed to say anything." Bella gives him her best alluring smile.

"I can keep a secret..." Harley is covering her mouth, trying not to laugh at her attempts to flirt. But Jacob laughs.

"It's just an old scary story." Harley looks to Jacob in interest.

"Ohh, a story!" Jacob nods, smiling at her excitement and talks eagerly.

"Did you know the Quileutes are supposedly descended from wolves?"

Harley squeals. "Puppy's!"

Bella smiles at Harley before looking at Jacob again. "Like fur, fangs ... doggy breath?" Jacob chuckles. Bella smiles and prompts him to continue. "So the legend about the Cullens is..."

"Well, they're supposedly descended from this, like..." He talks in a spooky voice. "'Enemy clan.' ... But they claimed to be different, so we made a treaty with them."

Harley tilts her head at him. "Really?" Jacob nods.

"Didn't they just move here?" Bella asks. Jacob shakes his head.

"Or just moved back."

Harley jumps in front of Jacob's line of vision. "What was the treaty?"

Jacob starts whispering. "If they promised to stay off Quileute lands, we wouldn't expose what they really were to the pale-faces..."

Jacob pauses dramatically. Harley looks to him in excitement. Bella shivers.


Bella jumps at the bloodcurdling scream, as Angela runs past, chased by Eric waving a dead crustacean. Harley laughs. Jacob smirks and starts back to the group.

"Wait... what were they really?"

Jacob laughs. "It's just a story, Bella." Harley walks alongside Jacob.

"Well I liked that Story. You tell it very well gumdrop." Jacob smiles and throws an arm around her shoulders.

"I'm glad that you enjoyed it then, Crazy."


Hey guys, I hope you have enjoyed this chapter, if so than please leave a like or comment. And if you want more than follow me for more future stories.

Also check out my other book: The Crazy Life- Vampire Diaries

Disclaimer- I do not own Twilight or Harley Quinn, I do however own her story lines, so please don't steal or copy. Thank you.

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