'Rose is Scary When She's Angry'

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Swan House
Twin's Room - Night

Bella sits on her bed, closest to the window reading a book. She's enjoying the peaceful night as Harley is with Rose and Emmett, and Edward is on a hunting trip. As Bella continues to read, she doesn't notice the bedroom window opening slowly. A figure quickly enters and hides inside the closet.

Bella looks up when she feels the wind gently blowing onto her face, confusion and fear appearing when she sees the window wide open, the wind blowing the curtains. She slowly puts her book down and stands from the bed, Bella swallows, slowly walks to the window and hesitantly calls out. "Harley? Is that you?"

Bella hears nothing, scaring her even more, but calls out again to make sure it isn't a prank. "This isn't funny Harley." Once she gets to the window, she looks out but finds nothing out of the ordinary. Bella scoffs at herself. "Must be the wind, Harley must have not closed it properly." She closes the window, stopping the wind from getting in and lets out a sigh of relief.

She turns around and nearly lets out a scream but a hand is placed over her mouth, stopping her from alerting anyone. Bella calms down once she realises it's Rosalie, but fear quickly settles back in when she sees Rose's angry face.

"You and I are going to have a talk." Bella quickly nods, and Rose takes her hand away. Bella sees Rose wipe her hand on her jeans before turning away. Bella looks to her in confusion.

"Did I do something?"

Rose spins around and scoffs. "Don't try to act innocent."

Bella twists her hands together. "Look, I don't-"

Rose cuts her off. "Did you know Harley told me something very interesting about you."

She gulps. "What?"

With each word, Rose slowly gets closer. "About how you felt about her, about how you can't take her obsession with hitting people, about how you need a break from her and about how you don't want to be stuck as her babysitter anymore." When she finishes, Rose is right in Bella's personal space. Bella sucks in her breath as she sees how angry Rose is. "Did you know she cried her heart out when she told me this."

Bella shakes her head, even though it was rhetorical. "I thought she was alright and that she forgave me."

Rose chuckles humorlessly. "You're lucky she did, but I'm not." She pauses, looking into her eyes. "You see, the third mate is very special to us mates, and when when something happens to make her upset." Her eyes turn black, Bella shakes in fear. "We, her mates, get even."

Bella tries to stop shaking and hide her fear. "Well, I wouldn't have said that stuff about her if she just-" She is cut off when she feels a sting and is on the floor, holding her cheek in pain. Bella looks up in shock, tears running down her cheeks. Rose is growling down at her in anger.

"How about you stop being a baby and grow up." Rose takes a deep breath before continuing. "You are lucky it was me that she told, male vampire's are very possessive and protective of their mate, imagine how angry he would be if Harley told him what you said about her."

Bella gulps, Rose fixes her hair and walks to the window, opening it. She turns around to face Bella one more time. "You better be careful, because even Edward won't be able to help you." She turns and jumps out of the room, the window closed as if it was never opened. Bella slowly stands, holding her cheek.

She goes to the floor length mirror and sees a red handprint on her cheek, she grimace as she touches it softly before slowly walking back to bed. Tired from facing Rose's anger.


Cullen House
Emmett and Roses' Bedroom

Harley is sleeping on Emmett's chest, her breath hitting Emmett's neck in short puffs. He rubs her back gently, his face in her colourful hair. He looks up when Rose quietly enters the room, Emmett looks to her questioningly. "Where did you go?"

Rose just smiles before quickly changing and getting into the bed. She plays with Harley's hair before answering. "I had to do a quick errand."

Emmett raises an eyebrow but decides to talk to her later and resumes to putting his face into Harley's hair. Rose smirks before relaxing with her other two mates in bed.


Sorry that this is a small chapter but I just wanted to do something on how Rose reacted to what Bella said about Harley. Don't worry, I'll be making the next part of the story longer then this chapter.

Disclaimer- I do not own Twilight or Harley Quinn, I do however own her story lines, so please don't steal or copy. Thank you.

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