'Bella and Jacob Fought?'

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Black's House

A red Chevy truck is sat in front of the Black residence, Bella makes her way to the front door and knock's, waits then knocks again. Finally, Billy answers, his face holding a frown when he sees her.

"Hi, Billy. I know Jacob's sick but-" He cuts her off, his eye glaring at her slightly.

"He's out with friends."

Bella looks at him, taken back. "Oh".

"I'll let him know you came by." Billy starts to close the door, but Bella stops him.

"Wait -- he's got mono, right? That's what you told my dad."

Billy looks at her, annoyed. "You should go on home, Bella." And he closes the door. Bella climbs into her truck, slams the door, pissed. Starts the truck. Then turns it off. Deciding, she tosses the keys aside and sinks down into her seat to wait.

An hour later, rain now pours down. Billy, inside, pulls the curtain back, looks out at Bella. Then closes the curtain. Bella looks out the passenger window at Billy. Suddenly, there's a knock at the driver's window. She spins to find Jacob standing there. But his face is shockingly different. His hair is cropped short. No friendly smile.

No warmth in his eyes. Just a hard, brooding resentment. Bella is taken aback. She climbs out of the truck to find Sam Uley, Jared, Paul and Embry behind Jacob. They're oblivious to the rain, and wear minimal clothes.

"You cut your hair."

"Go away." Jacob turns away. Sam leads the group toward the house and Jacob follows. She grabs his arm, stopping him in his tracks.

"What happened to you?" He stops, turns back. The others wait on the porch for him. They're out of earshot, but won't leave him alone with her. Bella lowers her voice. "I can help."

His face is hard as he shakes his head. He's not talking. "Sam got to you. What did he do?"

"Sam's trying to help me, don't blame him." Bella looks at him, shocked.

"Then who?" Jacob scoffs, remembering the scene in the meadow.

"How about what you did to Harley?!" Bella looks at him in shock, hoping he didn't mean what she thought he meant.

"I... don't know what you're-"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." He's shaking, almost convulsing with anger. She regroups.

"I haven't done anything to her." She narrows her eyes at him. "Did Harley say something? You can't believe anything she says, Harley is just an attention seeker-"

"Just stop! Stop trying to put the blame on her. At least she's honest."

"Jacob." Jacob glances at Sam, who gives him a look. Jacob takes a breath, trying to calm himself.

"I need time away to clear my head and you aren't helping being around-" Bella cuts him off, putting a hand on his arm which he shrugs off.

"Jake, I know I hurt you. I should have been more up-front but I needed you, I still do. I don't know what that means yet, but if you give me time-"

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