'I Want Us To Be Together. All Three Of Us.'

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Inside the car

Harley sits in the middle seat, leaning between Emmett and Rosalie. "Okay, so what happens now?"

The couple look to each other before Rosalie starts talking. "Well, I believe that is up to you."

Emmett nods. "Yeah, whatever you want."

Harley gets a thoughtful look on her face and taps a finger on her chin repeatedly before answering. "I want us to be together. All three of us."

Rosalie and Emmett smile to her brightly, very happy with her decision. But Rosalie looks to her carefully. "Are you sure cause once we are together, there is no backing out."

Harley nods with a cheeky grin. "I'm sure pumpkin, I want this."

Rosalie squeals, and I mean squeals, and reaches back to kiss Harley on the lips. Emmett gives a wolf whistle. "Damn, that's hot."

They pull apart and laugh, Harley suddenly stops and looks to them questioningly. "Hey, what about Bella and Edward? What going on with them?"

Emmett answers, knowing Rosalie is still sour on the subject. "Well, buttercup. Bella is Edwards blood singer."

Harley looks to them, confused. "What's a blood singer?"

"A blood singer is when someone's blood calls to a certain vampire. Their blood will taste better to them than any other one."

Harley looks to the , wide eyed. "Is that why Edward is hanging around Bella, if so than I'll bash him with my bat!"

Rosalie gives a laugh before answering. "No, she is his mate. Only not at a full extent as ours, they are basically like all other mates, just not with the extra soul mate." Rosalie pauses. "Well, we really don't find out if we have a third until you come across them but it's likely they won't. Anyway, he is more intrigued with the idea that he can ignore the smell of her blood and that he can't read her mind."

Harley holds a hand up and calls out. "Wait, he can read minds and follow up, he can't read hers?"

Emmett gives out a booming laugh that shakes the car. "Yeah he can buttercup, some vampires have what you call gifts."

Rosalie takes over. "For example, Edward being a mind reader, Alice a seer and Jasper an empathy. Carlisle believes that these gifts are brought in from your human life, Edward being good at reading people, Alice predicting when things happen and Jasper being good at dealing with peoples feelings."

Harley look to Rosalie, intrigued. "Do you two have any?"

Rosalie furrows her eyebrows. "Well, the family think that I have extreme beauty and Emmett has strength that is the same as newborn strength."

Harley makes an 'O' shape with her mouth before going back to the original question. "What about Bella?"

"Well, Edward can't read hers. Apparently your one gives him a headaches, don't know why though."

Harley chuckles, giving them a smirk. "Oh, that's easy, I have schizophrenia."

Rosalie and Emmett look to her in shock. "What!"

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