'A Good Old Truce'

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Swan House
Harley's Room - Night

Harley lets out a dreamy sigh when she thinks about the other night. She couldn't believe how amazing it felt to have finally done it with them, it was everything she dreamed about. Sure it hurt for a second, but after the pain of losing her virginity went away, the rest of the night's activities were amazing.

Harley lets out another sigh as she rolls onto her stomach on the bed, she winces at the small ache between her legs. She smiled as she remembered this morning, she had nearly fallen over when getting up as her legs felt like jello and had to be carried around by Emmett until she could walk by herself.

She let's out a snort when she remembers stumbling through the front door and Charlie looking at her in suspicion but not saying anything, she believed he knew what they did last night but hadn't said anything, just turned back to what he was doing after greeting her home.

Harley's smile suddenly falls when she thinks of Bella, she had felt Bella's eyes on her back when she walked by her room and it had sent shivers down her spine, and not in a good way. She missed her sister, they were the best of friends at one point of their lives before Harley's accident happened that caused them to grow apart.

She tried so hard with Bella, to be the person before it happened but she couldn't, she wasn't the same anymore. It didn't help that Bella never tried to fix their relationship like Harley tried too, she didn't try to reach out and do something with her. It hurt a lot, she was her sister, twin sister at that, so of course it would hurt. She was just happy to have people here that cared about her when Bella didn't.

She turns her head towards the window in her room that slowly opens, she tilts her head to the side as a wide smile forms onto her face. Emmett's head peeks over before he fully comes into the room. His smile is just as wide as hers when he looks to her with love in his eyes.

"HI Beautiful, how are this fine-" He stops suddenly, he looks around slowly as if he was expecting someone to jump out and attack them. Harley's smile falls and slowly gets off the bed, her movements slow and calculated as she moves towards him.

"What's wrong Puddin?" He doesn't say anything as he grabs her hand and moves around the room, sniffing items that he picks up with his other hand. "Puddin?" He takes a deep breath, smelling one of her shirts that laid across her chair before he let's out an animalistic growl.

"Someone has been inside your room."


Cullen House
Living Room

Harley watches from her spot on the couch next to Rose as everyone talks in fast-low voices to each other about the situation. Bella was also with them as well, the same person who was in her room was in Bella's as well, having taken some of her clothes. Bella sat on the opposite couch with a scowl on her face, she had tried to cling to Edward but Diana had blocked her path.

Harley could tell they weren't exactly thrilled with her being here, she was the same as well, but that didn't mean they would leave her unprotected in her home when a rogue vampire was on the loose. Rosalie's hand that was clutching hers squeezed reassuringly, as if wanting to make sure she was still here.

"Who was it? Someone we know?" Alice asks, her hands rubbing her temples as she tries to look through her visions.

Emmett shakes his head from where he stands behind his mates. "Just a stranger. I didn't recognize his scent."

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